Markus tried to keep up with what she was saying while also trying to process all of the information. After she was done explaining everything, he sat with a blank stare on his face, "Yeah, don't worry about me telling anyone, I can barely understand anything you just told me." He ran a hand across his face. Well he did ask her to explain everything so he might as well just take what he can get and not start nagging the poor girl. The young knight stood up, walked over to Castitas, and reached down, helping her to her feet, "Alright, so you're the one who comprehends all of this information, what are we to do now?" He scratched the back of his head and looked at her smiling, "Sorry if I wasted your time with the explanation by they way. It's just hard to be thrust into a situation such as this one and be able to understand what's happening." He sighed, she probably thinks he has a think skull. That's usually what priests and priestess think of him, just a man who swings his sword at things.