may i make 3 CS? [hider=Lazarus (Android] Name Lazarus age 150 years old Looks 30 and acts like a 30 year old Alias Phoenix What are you? Android Whos side are you on(Supernatural, Human, neutral) Human Look: [img][/img] Powers(Leave blank is human) Prometheus Overdrive: he gains Wing like appendages can fly at mach 10 speeds and is constantly on fire This form lasts only 60 secounds and is only usable after about 2 hours recharge Prometheus Roar (The build up of heat from using his weapons Is Expelled from his Maw at High Speeds Prometheus Leap (propels the heat towards to generate lift) and finally Cloaking lasts from 1 hour to 2 Immune to thermal vision Skills Can hack almost any terminal. Is good at interrogation is a Master of weapon usage weapons Plasma Cannon (uses plasma cartridges which are in short supply so he only has 1 or 2 Carrys 24 shots Semi auto) Arc Grenade (a small e.m.p he carrys 6 of these) Concussion grenades (carrys 3 of theses) and finally his best weapon The Prometheus Arc 7 alpha Sword: (a sword made of plasma its concretraded to a single place the energy required for it though generates alot of heat which can be used for his other abiltys) personality Calm Wise quick to anger and quick to fighting short bio Other He has human emotion due to his time in service he is classified as human [/hider] [hider=Ember Dryden] Ember (Human Name Ember Dryden age 14 Alias Jack What are you? Human Whos side are you on(Supernatural, Human, neutral) Neutral Look A scruffy street Boy who literally is trying to live on a battle field Powers(Leave blank is human) Skills can steal very well weapons: 45. auto pistol personality Drab tired and generally out of sync short bio Other He reaps what he sows as they say [/hider] final one Name Death age ???? Alias The Last What are you? Supernatural Whos side are you on(Supernatural, Human, neutral) Neutral Look Powers(Leave blank is human) Flight : for up to 4 hours at a time before 2 hours rest The hand of death. kills instantly only on those Designated to die by the hourglass Corruption: Makes things age in a short 3x3x3 area. Skills He is a Great Chess player and also a master of using a scythe in combat weapons His Scythe which never blunts. and his hourglass that Can Slow time Inside a Area making it look from the outside that its being played at high speeds. personality Neutral Doesn't take sides in this war. he is Silent Except For those that offer to wager against him even then he is quiet he uses gestures to point people in the right direction. short bio ??? Other He never takes sides... no matter who tempts him which alot of people have tried Only kills those that are designated to die Via his hourglass