[hider=List of organization types and traits] Every organization differs from each other in one way or another. They have different strengths and weaknesses. Determining how to use their abilities is the key on winning. The different traits that very organization inhibit to fulfill their objectives are stated below. *Loyalty – Determines faithfulness and devotion of each member of the organization to accomplishing its goals. Organizations with high loyalty will see members fiercely devoted to the cause of the group and would less likely forsake the organization in times of turmoil. Members with high loyalty would also be less likely to betray their organization if persuaded by other forces. *Efficiency – Determines how well an organization uses its resources. Organizations with high efficiency will waste fewer resources when carrying out missions as well as the day to day operations of the organization. *Mobility – Determines the ability of an organization to move from one location to another and the ease of the organization to do so. Organizations with high mobility Organizations with high mobility would be able to move their assets, including their headquarters, to other regions without spending a lot of resources. *Level of Professionalism – Determines the competence of every member of the organization, especially the specialist units of the group. Organizations with high levels of professionalism would have members excel at their individual fields of expertise. *Access to Equipment – Determines the ease of the organization to obtain their necessary tools and gears. Organizations with high access to equipment will find it easier to acquire their equipment without being detected by agents of the law as well as other groups. *Access to Finances – Determines the ease of the organization to obtain funding for their group. Organizations with high access to finances will find it more effortless to receive their funding as well as hide their resources from agents of the law as well as other groups. *Access to New Technologies – Determines the ease of the organizations to acquire new breakthrough technologies and the use of them. Organizations with high access to new technologies will always have up-to-date equipment and the knowledge on the use of them. *Access to New Recruits – Determines the ease of the organization to draft men into their group without much suspicion. Organizations with high levels of access to new recruits will find it easier to bolster or replenish their ranks. *Ease of Concealment – Determines the organization’s capacity to stay hidden and the level of ease to do so. Organizations with high levels of ease of concealment will find it more effortless to stay under the radar of the agents of the law as well as other groups. Now that you know what the different traits are, it’s time to get familiar with the different organizations. As said above, they have their own strengths and weaknesses. Each group would have points for very trait. Each group has 20 points spread out across their traits. However, the points are not all equally distributed for each trait. This is how each group gains its aforementioned strengths and weaknesses. The groups and their traits are listed below. Cult – A religious group fiercely dedicated to their objective. Their goals usually have a religious undertone and their shared faith and duty to their goal strengthens the bond between them. Cults have high loyalty amongst its members however lacks in area of level of professionalism. *Loyalty:5 *Efficiency:2 *Mobility:2 *Level of Professionalism: 1 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 2 Political Movement – A secretive group bounded together by their shared political ideology. Political movements that become secretive are usually violent and unyielding in nature, thus leading to their concealment. Political Movements have high ease of concealment but suffer from low mobility. *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 1 *Level of Professionalism: 2 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 5 Economic Conglomerate – A secret group of tycoons, industrialist, economist, bankers and others involved in the field of business. They usually share the same vision of an economic reform that would only benefit them. Economic Conglomerates have high access to finances but have poor ease of concealment. *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 2 *Level of Professionalism: 2 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 5 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 1 Organized Crime Elements – A group of high ranking individuals who profit from illicit activities. Although organized crime elements are not uncommon, those who have stayed away from the eyes of the public are more often more disciplined and organized. Organized Crime Elements have high access to new recruits but suffer from low loyalty. *Loyalty: 1 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 2 *Level of Professionalism: 2 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits: 5 *Ease of Concealment: 2 Paramilitary Groups – Groups that share the same organizational structure, training and subculture of a professional army without belonging to any official armed forces of any state. Paramilitary groups often use extortion, kidnapping and terrorism in their operations. Paramilitary groups have high levels of professionalism back lacks in the field of access to new technologies. *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 2 *Level of Professionalism: 5 *Access to Equipment: 2 *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 1 *Access to New Recruits: 2 *Ease of Concealment: 2 Ancient Order – A group bounded together by their oath to ancient goal that has yet to be fulfilled. Ancient Orders are not known to the public because most of the time, their goal may not be popular with public opinion. Ancient Orders have high mobility but suffer from poor access to equipment. *Loyalty: 2 *Efficiency: 2 *Mobility: 5 *Level of Professionalism: 2 *Access to Equipment: 1 *Access to Finances: 2 *Access to New Technologies: 2 *Access to New Recruits:2 *Ease of Concealment: 2 When creating your secret society, you will have to choose one of those group types. Whichever one resembles your group the best is the one you pick. As well as the points already given, you have two more points to spend on any of the traits. You could bolster your weak points or further strengthen your strong points. That’s all for types of organizations and traits. [/hider] Well that's what I came up with. Tell me what you guys think.