[quote=Foster] Your expectations are either too high, or you're looking for something in the wrong genre. [/quote] My expectations was to high. Well, I was going into it expecting one thing and I was initially disappointed with what I saw. A day or two later I started to taker the movie for what it WAS and not what I WANTED it to be. Star-Lord, Groot, Nebula, and Yondu were my preferred characters, although Nebula and Yondu didn't get as much screentime as I wanted them to, but they weren't important enough to get that screentime, so that's just me, not the movie's fault. I really wanted to like Gamora and Drax but I felt like something was off, not sure why though. The comedy was actually pretty good, but I didn't much like the dancing parts of the movie, especially at the end. Ronan looked and felt like a cheap villain and I didn't much care for him. While the CONCEPT of the plot was good (a team of outlaws forming out of mutual benefits), I didn't much care for how it occurred throughout the film. One thing I can give praise to is that the characters were all very different, unique, and varied and offered something different to the table. Not to mention the fact that each character played a pivotal role in the outcome of the movie and no one got the Hawkeye treatment. The movie was a fresh break from the standard Marvel films. But still, I'd only rank it a 7/10 for Marvel. Captain America 2 was 10/10, Avengers is 9/10.