Just updating real quick, I got a very sudden increase in work and didn't have time or energy to continue working on my CS. I'll probably finish it today then proofread and post tomorrow. And I would totally love Starlight drawn out! Her appearance is still the same as the first CS, and you could put her in normal Wildling pony armor, and any pose is fine. --- Okay, it's a little late, but it's done! If it's still a little thin I can PM you guys an IC post (I feel like I might of left something out from habit, but I'm not entirely sure), but I feel I did much better than before. Name: Starlight Appearance: Starlight is a light lavender mare with a long peach mane (think sunsets) with three streaks, a dark orange one, a hot pink one, and a dark purple one. She cut it short for convenience in battle. She has eyes the same shade as her hair and her cutie mark is three white stars. Race: Pegasus Fraction: House Everfree Skills: Her talents are her knowledge of stars (she can use the night sky like a map) and the unusual fact that her speed doubles at night (though she still isn't all that fast). Other than those things she was a normal Wildling Pony, skilled in fighting (specifically hand-to-hand, very vicious hand-to-hand) and was just a bloodthirsty as anyone else. History: Starlight was always traveling, almost never staying in one place more than a month or so. It was part of her natural adventurous spirit, nothing could hold her still and nothing could make her slow down. That was her motto, anyway. When she was little her parents had abandoned her before she was even old enough to talk, giving her no real ground and no one to go to. How she made it until she was old enough to be even remotely self-reliant is beyond her, but she's sure somepony somewhere had helped her. One day when traveling through a small town somewhere in Equestria (She wasn't quiet sure, as she had thrown her map into the wind boldly declaring "Who needs a map!?") she met a stallion named Dewdrop, and eventually they fell in love, settled into the town together, and had three children that they loved dearly. Starlight found it strange, and almost uncomfortably different and unadventurous, but she was happy. Then the royal sisters went missing. She was surprised, much like everyone else was, at how they just disappeared out of nowhere. What didn't surprise her as much as everyone else was how the sun and moon continued to rise and fall as they always had. Starlight had believed that somehow the world did everything it did naturally as well as through pony magic. She wasn't exactly sure how it worked, she never really had the time to think about it, but this seemed to be some solid evidence towards her theory. All she was truly concerned about was the safety of the sisters. Eventually the houses started forming, and people where choosing sides. Eventually her family had also left her side, and she knew she had to decide who she would fight for. After many nights of rolling around in her bed and thinking it over, she decided to join House Everfree. She knew that Fluttershy was the leader, and had heard of her kindness. It only made sense to her that Fluttershy would try to stop any sort of violence. She made it to the forest as fast as her legs and wings could carry her, and was amazed. As she walked through the forest, attempting to eventually find where the house was located, she watched the forest around her and the sky above her, finding that everything was functioning and taking care of itself all on their own. It was fascinating to her, and was curious to learn more about a world that she had only imagined. When she was accepted into the house, she was thrown right into training. It surprised her at first, but she was informed it was meant for self defense, and she believed it, even after taking note of the brutal style of fighting. She was incredibly loyal to the house and it's leader, eventually letting her actions be guided by Fluttershy's word, not by her own sense of right and wrong. And when Fluttershy snapped, Starlight still listened to her. She was practically brainwashed, and she couldn't see that, not even where the ground below her started to become soaked in blood. She even looked past the cannibalism, a practice she wasn't terribly fond of at first, but would still participate in. She eventually realized what she was doing wrong when she saw her oldest child on the battlefield, mutilated into some sort of sick abomination. After the battle, she looked into how this could have happened to her son, and discovered that what she saw was the punishment of those who betrayed The Cult. She knew her son well, and she knew he had joined, and probably left, to try and end the war, just like she had done by joining House Everfree. She had to wonder if she was still carrying out that goal of peace. After several days of thought, she eventually realized that this wasn't how the war would end. If she wanted to go back to the way things were, she would have to leave. It was much easier said than done, however, as the forest almost had a hypnotizing factor to it, as well as The Lady herself. Waiting was no longer about finding a safe way out, but about staying just a little longer. Eventually her feral mind was subdued long enough to finally run into the forest, which had become familiar but much more terrifying. Others: just some fun facts. She's 45 in human years Her speed at night is not a result of her special talent, but actually from a rare genetic disorder called Noctoariolis. Currently her husband Dewdrop and her daughters Sprinkles and Lucky, who belong to House Stormwing, House Earthborn, and House WhiteGold respectively.