Champion City. By day, a bustling, thriving metropolis. By night, a den of iniquity, where gangs roam the streets the police fear to tread. The criminals started it, donning masks both as a way to hide their identities and to declare which of the gangs held their allegiance. To begin with, the police tried to maintain order, tried to fight back. But you can't convict a man if none of the witnesses can identify him, can you? Even when a criminal was caught and a witness who was able to testify was found, said witness would invariably "disappear".Eventually the police gave up and surrendered the nights to the gangs. That was when the vigilantes started. Green Skull was the first, appearing one night from the shadows of an alleyway and breaking the knees and elbows of a would be rapist before leaving him tied to a telegraph pole outside a police station. Several others soon copied his example, taking the fight to the gangs, trying to make the city a safe place to walk at night once more. They failed. The gangs were too well organized and their attempts, though well meant, were too uncoordinated, too sporadic to make a real difference. Until tonight that is. All of you have received a message, Green Skull has managed to figure out who you are (or at the least where you operate from) and wishes you to attend a meeting. A meeting to discuss a united force of masks, working together to finally turn the tide and take back the city. CS Real Name: Alias: Age: Gender: Place of Birth Occupation: Physical Appearance: Costume: Skills: Equipment/Resources: Weaknesses: Base of Operation: Biography: