Darkness, darkness everywhere. A dream Robin was not unaccustomed to, in fact it was one he had very frequently during the war with Plegia. Next a dark figure with glaring red eyes would emerge and goad him, showing him images of the future, images of the Shepherds dead or dying. The sheer feeling of horror those images instilled was presumably what the figure wanted. [b]"Welcome." [/b] Well that was different, a voice this time and a loud one at that. Not to mention it sounded jovial, welcoming, pleasant. Certainly not tones Robin would ever associate with this dream. What did it want? Did it wish to harm him in some way? Or maybe it's intentions were the opposite of his previous dreams and he'd get a montage of happy memories? In any case it would probably be a good idea to respond. "Ah yes, hello. So what is it that I'm doing here exactly? I mean not to sound rude or anything but an expanse of darkness isn't usually a good thing." He tried to keep his voice steely, he really did. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't keep a terrified edge out of his voice. [b]"Do not be afraid, for you have been selected to participate in a fighting tournament, one that has been taking place for the past four years. I believe your analytical mind and quick thinking will bring an interesting element to this competition."[/b] Robin was flattered honestly, but he was done fighting. He had worked so hard to end the wars, paying unimaginably high prices for it. "What about my friends? What about Chrom, Lissa, Frederick? Or Sumia, Gauis, Tharja? What of....." Robin's thoughts lingered on the one person he wanted to see most of all, the one above all he longed to return to. "What about my world? When can I go back?" [b]"In time Robin. Participate in the tournament and you have my word I'll send you home. Now, off to the battlefield with you."[/b] With that there was light, like someone flipped a switch causing Robin hold up his hand to avert some of the pain. When his vision adjusted he found himself on a grassy field, not unlike the one Chrom found him outside of Ylisstol. Robin closed his eyes as he enjoyed the faint breeze and reminisced for a moment. It wasn't much of a battlefield really, at least he hoped not. It would be a terrible thing to ruin this beautiful place. He heard voices that he didn't recognize. The tactician turned towards the noise and began walking, soon finding the rest of, what he assumed were the other participants."Hail friends. Tell me, do any of you know what precisely is going on?" There was an older gentlemen, a small green man, a large ruffian with an axe was a little ways off yet, and an odd girl. A very unique group to be sure.