Nation Name: The Bloodied Horde Ruler Name: Targ Skullcruncher (Orc) Races: Orcs: make up the most population of The Horde as well as acting like the Grunts of the horde Goblins: are one of the more influential races as well as the chief race in charge of development and Research, generally if they contribute to the war effort they are specalist troops. Ogres: they are big they are dumb but they make excellent shock troops and berserkers for the horde. Sand Trolls:They are more shamanistic and practitioners of the dark arts they also act as excellent scouting and ranging forces they act as more of a skirmishing force for the horde. Humans:They are mostly slaves for the horde but those who prove themselves earn their spot as auxiliaries for the horde and are normally on horseback. The Statistics Box: INFLUENCE: 3, Targ gained control of these tribes through conquering but by proving he is more powerful the other races respect him and will follow him, but some are still bitter about their defeats. WEALTH: 1 most of these races are nomadic due to the terrain of their home country so they don't produce very much they get most of their wealth by raiding and looting which as of late is a little slow POWER: 5 although there is a lot of prejudices out there that say these races are dumb and brutish they are actually great tacticians and fighters War is what they are good at and many nations should try not to cross The Horde Terrain:The homeland of the horde is a dry desert, where many who enter do not come back out either taken as prisoners or die from the beasts or sun they have vast dunes that some are said to be mountains by the horde there are also deep canyons, the deepest being Hellfire Pass. The Shamans of the orcs and the trolls venture into Hellfire pass to due shamanic rituals it is said to be so deep that one can walk into the underworld from it so dark magic is often practiced there. Also there are many Oasis' in the area the capital city sits next to a very large one. Flora and Fauna: Sand Wolves:Large wolves with Tan fur, Orcs keep these things as pets and ride them into battle, in times of war but Wild ones will attack without being provoked. Wyrms: Giant worms that burrow through the ground, when tunneling underground teams will sometimes find tunnels made by these things they will rarely surface unless they are hunting Orcs and other races like to make armor out of their thick hides but be warned you don't want to go hunting these things unless you are prepared the biggest is said to have swallowed a city whole. Wajet: Are cobras about the size of a man who spit their venom with uncanny accuracy they travel in large groups and when they sleep they sleep in a giant coil, groups of these things are actually called a coil. Orthala: They are very much like Impala's they have large horns that can gore and kill a man, they are a food source for many clans in the area. Various Snakes:Like little cobras,rattlesnakes,and Adders. Domesticated Animals:Horses and Sandwolves, with the occasional goat. Plantlife: While there isn't very much plant life in The Homeland there is one plant that is always used to treat snake bites and poisoning and that is crimson reed which. It's said that if you put Crimson Reed on a wound it will draw out poison or venom. City life:Cities are becoming more and more popular among the horde with the goblins inventing the air cooling devices, only the greatest warriors and the rich have, but the poor and medium class live in your typical mud brick house to keep cool and often change out bricks that are cooled by the desert night for ones that they used. Also among the cities are crowded markets that sell perfumes, and other things. Policies on outsiders: Outsiders are generally welcome among The Horde unless they prove they can't be trusted or are bigoted. Currency:The Horde has a trading system in place for things they need but they also accept Gold,Silver,And Copper coins Things The Horde is known for:Their battle prowess, as well as making excellent perfumes and other beauty products. Laws:Do not kill Children or women, Do not kill another man unless you are in a duel with them, Do not sully family names, Targ is your lord and master, Refer to the last law if lost or confused, respect each others customs and differences. Punishment:These things can be punished by death,or a couple of nights in the dungeon,or on the bizarre side dropped into a coil of Wajet.