[quote=Grey] ...Well I hope it's not too obvious I'm here >.> <.< >.> [/quote] Never mind that, I look far too out of place [quote=Rin] Not... Exactly. Most Fate RPs I've seen have made it so that there's seven players, and each plays a Master and a Servant, although to make sure they're not RPing with themselves the entire time they have their Master paired with someone else's Servant and vice-versa. XDAnyways... Tentatively interested I guess. I love Fate (and the Nasuverse in general really) but um we'll see how things turn out I guess.Also, checking the discussion thing the OP linked, and... Minor nitpick buuut......Also have a friend who would probably be really interested in this but she's out right now so is it okay to reserve a tentative space for her for the moment? ^^; [/quote] Well said Rin. I originally planned for each player to play at least two characters. Now as i stated in the discussion thread, killing off characters seems like the biggest problem. Perhaps the best way to go about doing this is either with a randomized system of sort, OR(and more preferably by me) everyone understands the importance of the killing of characters and will occasionally allow one to be killed... Actually that may not work so well... After giving some thought, it may be better to have each set of Master and Servant be played by one person FOR THE BEGINNING. that way, if one of their characters dies then they are dead... Ish. We all know a masterless servant can form a contract with a servantless master, so as thing go along, and characters are killed off, it goes from single solo roleplay teams, to a mess of everyone with each other... That description didnt sound so great actually... [quote=Rin] Oh right, um, considering either Berserker, Assassin (because no-one ever seems to want to do those two) or Rider, but we'll see how things turn out. ^^; [/quote] actually I already have an idea for berserker