[center]"Hmph..." Another mug of fine liquor made its way to L'Arc as his empty mug disappeared into the kitchen. Standing next to the shapely young elf in the blink of an eye was Mad Man Sin, taking a subtle bow with the penguin on his shoulder. "Oh dear, milady. That's quite a cynical out look to have when you're surrounded by such enjoyment!" A toothy grin crossed his face. "Perhaps meal and drink isn't your fancy. Maybe, something a bit more classy?" A gust of wind burst through the doors in a roaring torrent. The blurry gale swept through the tavern and over its patrons. However, as fast as it had arrived, it was gone leaving a large elegant ballroom in place of the stone and wood pub. Sleek tuxedos and luxurious dresses appeared on all the guests, included smaller sizes for Gumbo, Dranik, and Euclio. In place of the worn oak bar was an fanciful marble counter with velvet covered stools lined across the front. Overhead, a dome shaped glass structure opened out into the cosmos. A piano began playing calming music accompanied by a harp. In the center of it all was a opulent ballroom. Sin sat in a cushioned chair similar to a small throne across from Assallya, whose seat became identical. "Did you bring your dancing shoes?"[/center]