The Doctor had briefly taken up an aikido stance before Asuka had calmed down. Seeing her drop her fighting stance and stuff his hands in his pockets. His expression turned a bit sterner as Asuka questioned him. "If I was the on who brought us here my dear," The Doctor said, his voice not matching the one of that who brought them there at all "why would I come down here myself when I could watch the drama unfold from where ever I was hiding?" He cleared his throat and extended his hand. "If I may introduce myself," The Time Lord began "I am The Doctor, and this is my companion Vermilion. And you are miss?" He turned to answer Viridian, a morose tone taking over. "I don't like it more than you do," The Doctor said "but I hope to prolong partaking in fighting as long as I can. Can you says the same Viridian, miss?" Once again, before he could get an answer, a newcomer in medieval clothing and with hair similar to his own minus the curls. "It would seem the competitors are pouring in," The Doctor commented, extending his hand to the newcomer "how do you do good man?" (Meanwhile, in a place where we can't afford decent lighting...) The sound of screeching car breaks and a thud filled the usually soundless and lightless room. A custom painted '65 Desoto Police Car screeched to a halt, causing Sam to reach up to keep his fedora from flying off and send Max flying into the windshield with a comical splat. "Now see Sam," Max chided "if you had let me drive we wouldn't have hit anything." "If I had let you drive, we would've hit those three telephone poles and those cute duckies." Sam snarked back, getting out of the Desoto. "Aw, you don't know that," Max said in mock sorrow before dropping the subject "anyway, why are we stopping this time? Usually we just keep driving if we hit things." "Real simple," Sam said, turning around to face the three foot rabbit "the car insurance bills are starting to pile up, and I'd like to avoid this one if I can." "Oh, don't forget, you owe me an extra large Meesa Pizza if property damage costs the most this month!" Max chimed in cheerily. "And you're telling me where you hid my banjo if manslaughter costs the most," Sam fired back, poking the downed thing with his bare foot "and it's looking like I'm winning." The Freelance Police looked down to look at the body-a sharp dressed man in a blue suit and ski mask. "Eh, probably a criminal anyway," Max said casually, already walking back to the Desoto "come on Sam, we gotta get home to watch 'Oh, is he Still Alive?'." "In a minute little buddy," Sam said frozen to the spot "I seem to feel a sharp poking sensation at the back of my neck." "Astute observation my furry friend..." A French accent rang out. At that moment, the body disappeared and a man that looked just like the body appeared behind Sam, holding a small but very sharp knife to the back of Sam's neck. The Spy to moment to light his cigarette before he spoke again. "Now zen," The Spy said cooly "vouz are going to tell me how un vhy you brought me here to run me over, or you'll be getting a hole in vou're neck." Suddenly, the sound of a gun cocking was heard and The Spy felt a piece of cold metal pressed against his head. Looking behind him, he could see Max had leot up, wrapped an arm around his neck, and was now putting him in a compromising position. "No, here's what's gonna happen Frenchie," Max said manically "you're gonna put down the knife, or I find out if a French guy spills out wine when you shoot him!" "You crack me up little buddy." Sam said with a grin. "I fail to find any humor in that Sam." Max responded. [b]"Woah, woah, WHOA!"[/b] A voice boomed out, a strong burst of energy separating the three [b]"Can you save the fighting for the tournament maybe?"[/b] "Tournament?" Sam inquired, flicking the brim of his hat out of his eyes. "Explain, disembodied voice." The Spy said cooly, taking a drag from his cigarette. [b]"A fighting tourney of course,"[/b] The Voice said as if it were the simplest thing in the world [b]"You have been chosen, hand picked by me, to participate in this lovely tourney with a prize beyond your wildest imagination!"[/b] "Uh oh Sam," Max said pessimistically "you know what this means-more work that we're not getting paid for." [b]"Glad to see you're so enthused,"[/b] The Voice said sarcastically [b]"but either way this is happening, in 5...4...3...2...1!"[/b] and with that, they were in the fray. --------------------------------------- Sam woke back up and stretched finding The Spy watching something off in the distance. Curious, Sam looked in his direction to see him looking at a very big, beefy man with an ace in the distance. "Whatcha looking at?" Sam asked curiously. The Spy merely took a drag from his cigarette, not glancing at Sam. "Duex...Un." The Spy said cooly. "BANZAI!" Max shouted, leaping from the tall grasses and onto Yangus and wrapping his legs around his chubby neck, biting and clawing at his face "Die, die, die!" "Aw geeze," Sam said with an exasperated chuckle "looks like I gotta bail out Max again." "Vou are on vou're own." The Spy said, activating his Cloaking Clock and disappearing as Sam dashed to help his little buddy.