The patrols from the hallways beyond were quick to move when they heard the eggs smashing. No doubt, the entire group of them had even felt it. The minds of Hive species were a wonderment to biologists everywhere - they had the mentality of ants and other colony-based insects, but they had a sort of psychological link to one another. Iliana, on the other hand, was no scientist. She relished the opportunity to show off, and was more than satisfied with Asurya's decision. The Warlock's ability to make decisions was almost enviable. Iliana was less of a leader, that was clear, but they made an excellent team because of it. Her rifle was weightless in her hands as her mind stopped moving and her muscles began to act of their own accord. Several of the different openings into the room echoed with shrieks and the cretins of the Hive were driven down by rounds from Asurya's hand cannon. Iliana was happy to join in, her Shingen's muzzle flashing as it expelled torrents of rounds into the attacking creatures. The power systems were slowly ticking on and it wasn't long before the sight on her rifle no longer needed to compensate for the darkness. Lights flickered dimly, but enough for visibility. Sadly, this only made the Hunter a target for a number of the monsters and she let her gun spin around to her back. Without skipping a beat, she whipped her combat knife out with her right hand and kicked forward from the ground, her other hand reached back for her grenades. The claw of a Thrall came sweeping within mere seconds, but she threw her weight to the ground, slid forward, and pivoted. Her momentum broke for only a moment as she used her upper body to throw vault forth from the floor and turned her knife to an ice pick-grip. The Thrall, momentarily confused, was thrown to the ground from behind as a knife was embedded deeply into its skull. It wasn't long before the spawn-grenade was thrown from Iliana's hand to mere feet in front of her. An incoming Acolyte had lost control of its own speed for just long enough to be in the baby grenades' spawn and it was mercilessly hunted down by them and obliterated. It was rather gruesome, the pieces parts of the Acolyte being thrown into the midst of its brethren. It was also something the two Guardians were quite used to. Iliana instinctively stuck a trip mine to the wall just beside her and thrust herself in the opposite direction, twisting swiftly and throwing her knife directly into another Thrall's face, downing it in a mere instant. She drew her own handcannon and thrust the barrel directly into the face of an Acolyte and pulled the trigger. The revolver twirled in her hand and she gripped the barrel, whipping into into the head of another incoming Thrall which she quickly kicked in the abdomen before stooping low and retrieving her knife. Seconds began to melt together until minutes had passed and bodies littered the floor. One by one, however, they were disintegrating. Iliana stepped gracefully over them, out of the intrinsic courtesy she gave to all things, be they living or dead; savage or civilized; sapient or merely sentient. She was soon standing near the console with Asurya, a rather disgusted look on her face as she examined her own state. "GOD! They got their [I]stupid[/I] Hive blood all over my god damned... Ugh! I love this jacket..." She rolled her eyes in pure irritation as a rather noticeable scraping sound came down one hallway. "U-uh..." She turned her gaze to the corridor from which it came and furrowed her brow. "Huh... Took the Knight long enough - must have been on the other end of the complex," She noted before pulling out a fresh spawn grenade. The red line of her trip mine still cut through the room at a strange angle and it seemed that their opponents had managed to avoid it. However, as the hulking, crimson-armoured Knight stepped through the large doorway, it seemed even larger than the typical Knight. The trip mine blew as it ignored the thick red laser and the impact staggered the behemoth as he placed a hand on the wall. His other hand held a thick blade-like object which had been forged in quite a crude, primitive fashion. It was still menacing, though. The Huntress looked to Asurya with a knowing grin before throwing out the spawn grenade, every baby centering on the Knight and hitting it from all sides. She whipped her Shingen Rifle around and lined up the sight, pulling the trigger. [I]Click[/I] it sounded. She patted her bandoleer and belts, checking for her magazines... all empty. The girl swiftly released it and reached for her Hand Cannon. Empty. "Where the fuck is all of my ammo?!" She screamed in agitated agony before throwing her knife at it in frustration. The blade embedded in the monster's right shoulder, but it was only growing closer. She had nothing left and she looked over to Asurya. If she were alone, she'd be about to die. It was close enough to block all escape, but there was still room between them, almost like a true face-off. There was a knowing smirk on her face, "After you," She said, stepping back to allow her Warlock friend the last move. They would need to restock their ammo from the corpses or their Sparrows as soon as they had the time...