[img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/036/8/4/draft07___steampunk_spider_man_by_whysoawesome-d4otkce.jpg[/img] Name: Peterson Von' Parker Age: 19 Birthplace: United Kingdom Based on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider-Man Powers: Quick reflexes and sharp senses. He is able to jump higher than the average man and is much more stronger and resilient. Equipment: A retractable rope and hook which he uses to swing from building to building. He also wears goggles which he uses to detect nearby heat signatures. Upon that he wears special gloves that produce a strong glue substance from his palm almost like hot glue. He is only able to stick to platforms for about an hour until the glue starts to run out. Skills: He is very intelligent and smart. He is very technologically driven so he is able to understand tech and mechanisms easily. Bio: Since he was a teenager Peter was always fascinated in science. He would visit research labs constantly and spend most of his days studying alongside the cities best scientist. While in the labs he was bit by a escaped spider that had been specially tested on to increase its abilities. After spending days recovering from the poisonous bite he noticed that he felt much more stronger and moved quicker. Sadly while sick his grandfather died during a robbery. He then invented gadgets and other various inventions that gave mimicked the abilities of a spider to become a masked vigilante to stop the plague of criminals overrunning the city. Extra: