[b][center]WIP[/b][/center] [center][img=https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10509608_10204526809799706_5530978187434317522_n.jpg][/center] [b][center]The Hegemony of the Darkened Moon[/center][/b] Political Status: Major. The Hegemony could at times be considered a militaristic state, though it is in a dormant state Current Political Leader: The government of the Hegemony is broken up into 3 parts, the council of races, the council of 14, and the office of the Hegemon. The Council of races is the largest chamber of the government, where delegates from all corners of the vast Hegemony come to voice their opinions and complaints and to work with the day to day governmental problems. The Council of 14 is made up of a single delegate (Usually the head or Heir, if they are not currently engaged as a Relequa) from the Great houses, it functions like the Council of Races, but on a much smaller scale. Finally is the Office of the Hegemon, but unlike the title suggests, the office is not an elected position, it would be more accurately be described more like the seat of an emperor than a Office, all decisions on this level are final. The current Hegemon is, Hegemon Sarivi Form of Government: Autocracy/ Oligarchy Total Population: 3.8 trillion Employed Population (includes military): 3.5 trillion Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces): 304 billion Brief Biography of your Political Leader: [hider= Life of Saivi (WIP)]Hegemon Sarivi Mesria was born only 26 standard years ago, his parents were Hegemon Veris (His father) and his wife Kalsa. Growing up within his fathers home on the capital city, the child that would someday rule the Hegemony was what one could consider adventurous and inquisitive, often useing his post combat training hours searching the house's great libraries for some grain of new knowledge, or, as he was also prone to do, sneaking out of the House's grounds and into the lower city, accompanied only by his attendant Relequa Vekr. No amount of punishment would dissuade the young child, who found endless wonder in the mass of the population. His father once said that Sarivi had learned more about the Hegemony, and his people, in his forays into the city than all of his teachers could have ever taught him. During these expeditions Sarivi also made a friend, a Silifh named Mera. The two were inseparable and for the most part, grew up together, Mera teaching Sarivi about the people and culture of the lower classes, and Sarivi teaching Mera about the Code of Warriors as well as whatever combat maneuver he had been drilled in that day. When the age of service came around, Sarivi was inducted into the ranks of the Relequa and Mera joind the standard infantry. But as time went on it became obvious that she was more than a normal soldier [/hider] Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief): Mera Selwa - Lowborn Silifh Relequa, friend and personal guard of Sarivi Karli Vorsa - Head of the 3rd Great House and General of the 5th Light gaurd Sera Meriss - Head of the 7th Great house and Admiral of the 3rd Cadre Fleet Main Species Information: Nevarethi, humanoids that have a more pronounced spine and short (about half an inch long) bone spurs that emerge off of the jaw line every two inches or so. Another feature of the Nevarethi are their eye colors, namely violet, red, and various shades of blue and green. They stand around 6'5'' average, and generally have stronger muscles and denser bones than humans Side Species Information: Silifh, The Silifh are humanoids that stand around the same height of the Nevarethi but have generally slimmer body builds, longer limbs, and have fairer features than the Nevarethi. Their eyes are generally a emerald green color with slitted pupils. They are more flexible than Nevarethi, but are on the whole less durable. They were among the first, if not the first species adopted into the Hegemony and so control two of the Great houses, and are generally regarded with respect. [hider=Economic Overview] Often described as a capitalistic Economy with socialist undertones the Hegemony's economy can be nicely self contained for times of war, or if no trading partners are available. The economy for the most part is stable, using an undercurrent of bartering within the economy to keep itself grounded, and to help set prices around the Hegemony. The Hegemony uses a form of currency called Talons, and its derivative forms (Half Talons, quarter Talons, etc). Talons come in two forms, old fashioned coinage or as credit chits and honestly for the most part it is user preference on which is used. In the way of foreign trading, the Hegemony is an active trader with any bordering power, minor or otherwise. Their main exports consist of raw materials, food, various luxury products and general finished products. One thing that they will never export however is Military hardware, they keep all manufacturing and use of such items completely in house. For imports the Hegemony likes to limit them as much as possible, so in the even of a cut off they are not found helpless without them. That being said they will routinely import certain luxury from outside the Hegemony's borders, and perhaps some items of scientific curiosity. [/hider] [hider=Militaristic Overview:] The Military of the Hegemony is among the most important government and political functions. Its society almost literally revolves around it, so much so that certain social classes have risen up to the surface made up of specialized warriors. To that end the military of the Hegemony is large, (around 8% of entire population) and is made up of professional conscripts. This means that though all citizens of a certain age must join the army or navies of the Hegemony, they are not only trained as, but are trained by professional career soldiers (Which make up around 3-4% of total military forces, all generals, admarals, ship catians, Relequa and Varele). This insures a level of professionalism that infuses the entire command structure. Simply put the Hegemony expects the best and will receive the best out of them. Their tactics are a bit.. odd for what one could consider an easy swarm force. Each army is trained to fight as a cohesive unit, and how to minimize losses on the whole. This means for an army of the Hegemony's army size they move relatively slow, but as an irresistible force, slowly crushing whatever resistance they find. On the tail end they also lead rebuilding efforts on conquered worlds, and will even care for enemy soldiers that they consider fought with honor and bravery (Some have even historically been invited to join the Hegemony's army afterwords). [u][b]Relequa and Varele[/b][/u] The concept of honorable combat is so deeply ingrained that it has given rise to two special social classes of warriors, the Relequa and the Varele. The Relequa are soldiers, usually children related to the Great Houses, that have been trained from birth in the code of warriors. Their armament is simple, a ornate heavy armor, forearm mounted plasma caster, and a single edged vibro-longsword. They are an elite fighting force, unparalleled in close combat. The Varele however are dishonored, or purposeless Relequa, they wander from place to place, from battlefield to battlefield, in an effort to once more find purpose. They use much the same armament of their Relequa counterparts, with the exception of the Plasma Caster, preferring the role of a close range shock troop. It should be noted that being born into the class is not strictly necessary and any son or daughter of the Hegemony can become a Relequa, with acceptance for training and recognition by a great house. [u][b]Command structure:[/u][/b] The Hegemon is considered the great general, sitting at the top of the command structure. Below that are the Generals and Admirals of the Hegemony (Which may control multiple armies and fleets each). It should be noted that more often than not Generals and Admirals do belong to a great house, in times of war they "Cast off" that mantel, becoming solely a General and Admiral of the Hegemony. Under them are understandably Ship Captains and Commanders of the Armies (Which can control anywhere from a single ship/squad, to a single fleet/army), and under them are your individual squad and fighter wing commanders. What about the Relequa you might ask, well to put it simply they are a special case. They have the battlefield presence of the Squad commanders, on the front lines, but the command of a Ship Capetian, it has even been observed that generals will bow to a Relequa's advice. Conversely the Varele only have command within their own outcast group, but work closely with the Hegemony armies when in combat, often becoming like a Relequa in command, only to leave if he/she has not regained their honor at the end of the war. To make things more simple: Hegemon > Generals & Admirals > Ship Captains and Battlefield commanders (As well as the Relequa and Varele) > Squad & Wing commanders [u][b]Branches[/u][/b] Light Guard- Standard infantry Armored Guard- a subsection of the light guard in-charge of all the tanks and APC's Relequa- Elite soldiers Marines- Soldiers that defend the warships of the Cadres and board enemy warships Drop Marines- an all volunteer section of the the Marines. They literally drop out of the dropships and act mainly as elite shock troops Navy Cadres- The space fleets of the Hegemony [/hider] [hider=Weapons of the Hegemony] [b][i]Infantry Weapons:[/i][/b] Vibro-sword(Vibro-blade) : Using a device within the hilt of the blade, the blade of the Vibro-sword vibrates a molecular level. This allows the weapon to cut better, and cut deeper than a normal close quarters weapon of the same type, working around the inherent flaw against modern armor that would normally plague a blade user, cutting through the protective layer of alloys with ease. Vibro-swords/blades come in many varieties, from combat knifes to full long swords, made famous by the Relequa, though all share a common design. They are single edged and have a slight curve near the end of sword/blade. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/034/6/5/ix_4_final_version_by_reneaugustus-d38qe9x.jpg]Sl-II Tempest:[/url] Like most of the weapons of the Hegemony, the Tempest pattern utilizes Plasma as its choice of ammunition. In this case the weapon (which is no bigger than an assault rifle) fires compressed, semi solid, plasma rounds a super sonic speeds. It has good all-around damage output to ammunition supply and has a number of different mods that can be used with it. [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/193/8/b/improved_plasma_sniper_rifle_by_lorddrakos-d7qfwt0.jpg]SI-VX Darksting[/url] A longer, more accurate spin off of the Tempest, the Darksting utilizes larger, and faster plasma bolts to strike from a considerable distance, often with devastating effects. The Darksting may not have all the attachments of the Tempest, but its reach means that it usually doesn't need much of them. [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/059/8/0/dark_nova__ppg_90_pulse_pistol_by_breandan_ociarrai-d4r8vqy.jpg]LX-I Sidearm[/url] as its name suggests, the LX-1 is the sidearm of most of the infantry, with variations (such as revolvers, modded barrels, etc) popping up here and there. But like any side arm, while still deadly in it's own right, it his much less ammo per magazine and is generally considered weaker. Typhoon Plasma Launcher Essentially a large (infantry wise) shoulder mounted plasma caster, the Typhoon is a anti-vehicle weapon used against entrenched enemy positions, or enemy armor. YX-TII Plasma grenades (groaners) The small sphere the size of a fist, the YX-TII packs a punch similar to any frag grenade, alongside the heat of the plasma. It gets it's nickname from the way the grenades emit a low graoning hum as the super-heated gas tries to escape. [i][b]Ship and Vehicle Weapons[/i][/b] [/hider] [Hider= Armor of the Infantry] /WIP/ Type VII Aquarius Light Guard (Standard infantry) The Type VII is the newest version of the Aquarious armor to see wide use among nearly all of the light guard forces. The armor is durable, and strong without sacrificing much in the way of maneuverability. It comes equipped with a personal shield for better protection and, in case of emergency, the armor can be sealed. It also comes with a helmet, which is not pictured. [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs46/f/2009/250/c/8/armor_by_zzjimzz.jpg] Type VII Aquarius - B Light guard officers, Professional Light guard soldiers The B pattern is much like it's predecessor, only with upgraded armor and sturdier shields. In case of emergency, the armor can be sealed. [img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/012/a/f/armor_by_madspartan013-d4m3qj7.jpg] Venerator armor Relequa and Varele An old pattern of armor, the Venerator pattern is constantly being improved with new technology, though the overall design hasn't changed much in the long history of the two orders. The armor is designed close heavy fighting, and so is able to soak hits better than most. It comes equipped with a personal shield generator, adding to the armor's longevity, and an arm mounded plasma caster, giving the wearer a potent medium ranged option. In case of emergency the armor can be sealed and comes with a helmet, which is not pictured. [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs47/f/2009/250/4/2/armor2_by_zzjimzz.jpg] Kraken Assault Armor Marines, Drop Marines Meant for heavy combat in the most rigorous of battlefields, the Kraken armor, when used properly, is a sight to behold. A very strong suit of armor already (it's base armor being on par with the base armor of the Venerator) the Kraken takes it one step further by being able to temporarily overcharge it's shields, adding to their already fearsome strength. The armor is always sealed and always has a helmet. [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs27/f/2008/112/a/d/ACS_armoured_combat_suit_by_Valhein.jpg] [/hider] [hider= Vehicles of the Armored Guard] Nightmare Hard suit Used mainly by the Drop Marines, the nightmare Hardsuit stands around 12 feet tall, effectually doubling the height of the wearer. It's light vehicle armor and heavy weapons mixed with its relative nimbleness and the fact that It can be worn over normal armor make it a common sight in the opening stages of an assault. It wields two light Plasma Cannons [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/175/f/b/fls_hv_1_flashman_by_uselessnessnet-d6afcp7.png] Broadblade Tank The Main battle tank of the the Hegemony, the Broadblade is fitted with hover capabilities, allowing it to traverse broken ground and other impassable terrain, heavy armor (augmented with a shield) and a Heavy Plasma Cannon [img=http://th08.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/168/6/9/medium_imperial_hover_tank_by_m_a_p_c-d3j5om0.jpg] Ironhide APC When the troops are on the ground and need a quick way to get from here to there, they can trust the Ironhide. An amphibious APC equipped with medium armor, shielding, and Light Rotary Plasma cannon the Ironhide alone can prove a challenge for enemy infantry, but for the most part it plays support for the two squads it can carry. [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs21/f/2007/254/0/3/KG_C33_Kingdom__APC__view_1_by_thedarkbanditking.jpg] Shatterfall Super Heavy Tank To enemy armor, the Shatterfall is, simply put, the worst thing you can come across in the field. This is mainly due to the fact that as weapons it sports two missile racks, and dual particle cannons. This in concert with its Improved Heavy armor, shielding, and hover capabilities make it threat that cannot be ignored. [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/123/b/0/b0ee96372797b3ebaa123d4e9da7f125-d63ufh1.png] Howler Mobile Artillery Using its twin Plasma Cannons the Howler can rain destruction upon an entrenched enemy from quite a ways away. Sporting only medium armor to compensate for the weight of the cannons, the Howler relies mainly on it's shields and light rotary plasma cannon for defense. [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/224/1/c/work_in_progress__type_140_iii__overlord__by_helge129-d7uvkzx.jpg] [/hider] [hider= Navy Cadre Ships] Blackbird Dropships One part troop transport, one part heavy gunship, the Blackbird is capable of delivering large amounts of infantry and vehicles to a battle-zone and clearing it's own LZ. [img=http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/181/b/4/battletech___seleucus_dropship_by_shimmering_sword-d6bewbj.jpg] Aquila Interceptors Light fighters that are designed to move quickly and hit the enemy fighter/bomber force hard, they are able to do this by having lighter armor than a standard fighter and larger engines on a smaller fame. They are equipped with two Plasma Beam cannons, and possibly a swarm missile launcher. They also have areospace capabilities, though they must limit their speed in atmo. [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/189/4/4/aquila_fighter_by_lky13-d6cmdgp.jpg] Talon Fighters The backbone of the fighter force, the Talons are well armored combat fighters equipped with three Plasma Beam cannons, and two swarm missile launchers. They have areospace capabilities, though like the Aquila they must limit speed when in atmo [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/358/d/5/a6_ew__prowler__by_marrekie-d6uurqo.jpg] Shadowstrike Bomber Armed with two Large Plasma Casters a full flight of Shadowstrikes are a threat to ships hundreds of times their size, though it's lack speed makes it vulnerable to enemy fighters, they are often escorted on their run bay Talons to minimize loss. [img=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/023/9/f/Titan_Naam_attack_bomber_by_Talros.jpg] Prowler Corvettes The smallest of the mainline capital ships the comparatively lightly armored Prowlers are tasked with keeping the skies clear of enemy strike craft and running support for the larger ships. To this end they are equipped with two light plasma batteries and multiple missile hard-points, which can be loaded with anything from Swarm missiles to light ship to ship ordinance [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120331071821/sinsofasolarempire/images/d/d4/StilatCorvette.jpg] Drakis Frigate As a ship the Drakis usually run close support for the larger Riva class, using its multiple medium and light plasma batteries to help reinforce the larger Riva's attack. [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080212022141/sinsofasolarempire/images/6/6c/Cobalt.jpg] Riva Ship of the Line The strong fist of the Hegemony fleets the Riva proudly stands at the forefront of combat, its multi layered armor and powerful shields capable of absorbing fire from even larger ships, and it heavy plasma batteries and missile arrays capable of dealing damage right back. [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080217210137/sinsofasolarempire/images/thumb/7/7d/Kodiak.jpg/640px-Kodiak.jpg] Nightshade Battleship /discrip/ [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/197/a/3/kol_class_command_battleship__pmn_capital_ship__by_annihilator79-d6dq057.png] Sovereign Dreadnought /descrip/ [img=http://media.desura.com/images/members/1/535/534154/TechRebelTitan2.jpg] [/hider] Home World(s) (with description):Nevareth Nevareth is an interesting planet, known to most within the Hegemony as the planet of endless spring. This is due to the planet orbiting it's twin suns in such a way that has caused it to form shorter summers, falls, and winters, in place of a much extended spring like season. The planet is known for it's beauty and abundance of growing things, as even within the sprawling capital city, public gardens have been set up and are well maintained by the public works staff. Notable Planets (with description): Servani - Homeworld of the Silifh, a planet of temperate climates and huge forests Grama/Drive Yards - Massive orbital Nevarethi/Silifh built construction yards that surround the resource rich planet below. Capable of churning out ships at a fantastic rate it has been nicknamed the "Great Forge" and is one of the most defended places in the Hegemony Number of Star Systems under your influence: 45 Number of Planets under your influence: 184 natural satellites under your influence: 368 (moons) 1788 (Asteroids/comets) Number of Colonies under your influence: 135