Almost nonchalantly, Miranda "Red" Crosley followed New Castle out of the subway car and onto the platform, eating the final pieces of her beef MRE. As she chewed the remants, she dropped the plastic bag it came in on the ground, not caring about the litter. Taking a cue from New Castle - not Javier, as Red almost never used people's real names for some odd reason, even preferring people refer to her as Red on a casual basis - she put her mask on, which was previously hanging limply around her neck. Her mask was rather simple, and smaller than average, as hers was just a filter mask that covered the nose and mouth, leaving the eyes exposed. She preferred it this way, saying the goggles of the heavier, bulkier masks interferred with her aim. She also painted a little on her mask due to being a creative sort, giving it a "slasher smile," otherwise known as a Glasgow Smile, complete with blood-colored paint, making it look rather wicked. New Castle poked around in a tent for a bit before trying to open another subway car's door, and finding it locked. Red, meanwhile, was poking around at the other end of the station at some sheets left on a bench, presumably from some homeless man. There were even some (unfortunately empty) cans of beans and beer. She heard New Castle call out from across the station that he was unable to open the door to the subway car. After a slightly awkward half-second, she responded "Sounds like a job for Big Guy. Pretty sure she won't have trouble with a simple door. Hell, she probably could open it even without that fancy suit she wears." As Red poked around the beddings of the missing homeless man, her MP7 in one hand, M110 hanging by the harness, she found a brochure for New York City itself. "Come, visit Grand Central Station!" it shouted in large, bold letters. It also had advertisements for local resturaunts, among other things. She dropped it back on the bench, her curiosity sated seeing as it was entirely useless. She took a seat on the bench near to the bedsheets and listened as New Castle went over their directives. Again. And then he mused over some graffitti on the wall which read "None of this matters..." Red chuckled. "Good to know whoever wrote that was of the optimistic sort."