[b]Name:[/b] Talulah (Pronunciation=Tah-loo-laah) Zoranian [b]Age:[/b] Somewhere between 18-21. (I shall compare other characters ages before choosing.) [b]Species:[/b] Merfolk [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/236/2/4/under_the_sea_by_r_ena-d5c8u09.jpg] ((Image above belongs to R-ena at deviantart.com)) Length= Exactly seven foot from head to tip of tail fin. 213 cm. Weight= 154 lbs. 70 kilos. Talulah has dark ash blonde hair which seems to be lighter at the tips and eyes that appear to reflect all depths of the sea from turquoise and aqua to deep blue. Her fin has a light aqua coloration and is known to darken in shade the deeper in sea she goes.[/hider] [b]Culture and History:[/b] Talulah was born in the eastern coral reef, at a city known as Reef Crest which is close to the reef’s escarpment, otherwise known as the edge of the reef. The merfolk born here are ones who physically look the most human since it is the closest place to the surface and sunlight. The merfolk are a bit smaller than the other types of merpeople, however their intelligence more than makes up for their size, although they may also call themselves the more refined of sea society. Since the mer’s of Reef Crest are more scholarly than warrior they have naturally adapted a ‘flight’ response whereby they can blend into their surroundings when feeling threatened. It is for this reason that they are widely known as the ‘mirror scale’ specie of merfolk. Talulah’s mother is a well known politician and her father is a scholar. This meant that her upbringing was focused on education and everything related to the history of all sea dwellers, cultures and all kinds of other education type stuff which is relevant to the underwater society. Talulah grew increasingly bored with the things she was being forced to learn and wanted nothing more than to explore what was outside of Reef Crest. However the times where dangerous with rumours of mer’s being stolen and cities being destroyed, her parent’s refused to allow her wishes of leaving the city. A few years passed before she found a chance to become something which would allow her to get close to doing what she yearned to do. With her small size, tremendous agility and ability to get into small spaces, Talulah decided to become a scout and started her training at the age of 15. She quickly rose in rank when she mastered the ‘mirror scale’ adaptation which allows her to blend in with her surroundings and be essentially camouflaged not just when feeling threatened but at anytime of her choosing. Everything was going fine, but recently higher ranking scout mer’s have gone missing and Talulah has found herself one of the few left and even as on of the Chosen. [b]Personality:[/b] Talulah is a quiet and reserved individual who is interested in peaceful living and following rules and traditions, believing that rules are made to keep the peace. She has a strongly felt internal sense of duty, which lends her a serious air and motivation to follow through on tasks, though sometimes her curiosity gets the better of her. Talulah also has a hight level of intelligence which allows her to retain information that she has seen, read or heard and is particularly good with direction, finding out where to go based on currents, water temperature and landmarks (or underwater marks lol). Unlike usual mermaids, Talulah doesn’t really like material objects and prefers to keep only the necessary things on her person, including the simple and plain breast covering which was made by weaving together stringy and feathered soft coral. [b]Equipment:[/b] -Shell comb. -Two Tonfa styled weapons, one bladed and the other not. -A seaweed woven pouch full of medical things -A belt made from found fish netting, woven with shells and coral, used to hold tonfa’s while not in use. [b]Other:[/b] -Like a true scout, Talulah has medical training, but per her parents wishes, her training is more in-depth than the mere basics that a usual scout would possess. -As a scout, she isn’t meant to fight or attack, however due to the fact that sometimes one needs to defend themselves, training consisted of learning to use tonfa styled weapons. -Since she is one of the merpeople with soft skin and scales, Talulah has taught herself to be sensitive to changes in temperature and water type(salt/fresh etc) which help her with finding direction. -Good at everything but not great at anything. Maybe Talulah will find her greatness during this quest. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Governor Keltorn Atoll Age: 48 [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/233/2/7/the_melancholy_merman_by_darkn2ght-d6imoxa.jpg] ((Image above belongs to darkn2ght at deviant art.com)) Length: Just over 8 foot. 294cm Weight: 194 lbs. 88 kilos. Keltorn (despite what the image shows. I just wanted to show the accessories which reflect his rank.) has dark brown hair, navy blue eyes and a silvery blue tail with a set of pelvic fins along the sides.[/hider] Personality: Keltorn is a very focused and driven individual whose assertive behaviour can seem overly forceful at times. However, it is these qualities as well as his level headedness during demanding times which has provided him with the position of Governor of Reef Crest. A title bestowed upon him by King Neptune himself. Keltorn takes his job very seriously and his primary focus is the safety of his people, it is for this reason that Reef Crest has many rules that must be strictly followed by all inhabitants. (Tadah! CS is posted and I am super excited to see everyone else's :D)