Name: Marduke Cobblestone Age: 34 Race: Dwarf Appearance: [img=] Personality: Marduke is steadfast and headstrong, he cares deeply for honor and takes slights and grudges very seriously. Class: Stone guard Stats: HP: 24 (24.5) +5 from Dwarf (for point allocation, to help me remember.) Str: 8 (6) Mag: 4 Skl: 1 (4) Spd: 2 (4) Luk: 2 Def: 13 (4) Res: 3 Heavy armor Tower Shield No mount Affinity: Earth Axes-E Elemental/Anima magic-E (specializing in earth, will only and can only use earth, it's all he knows, ya know, Dwarfy) Daggers-E Feats/abilities: Armsman Healthy constitution History: Marduke is a typical dwarf, very stereotypical, he's fond of family, fond of friends, and fond of ales, liqueurs, and generally anything and everything being sold at a tavern. He grew up within his clan, the cobblestones, a family named such for their prodigious fighting talents, being both impressively strong, and having tremendous constitution, as well as having a particular gift. The Cobblestones are very in-tuned with the earth, and have found they can manipulate it, much to the degree of others who use magic to achieve the same feats, but through their conection from that witch they came. They served as a clan as the guardians of their town, Ragnak (located deep in the mountains north of Frosthelm Pass, where the two moiuntainranges meet and end), using their skill at arms and unique ability to protect their people and their interests. Mardukes formal training, comes from his father, who was trained by his father, and so on all the way up the Cobblestone ancestry, and one day, Marduke with teach his son. Dwarves, a fairly xenophobic lot and very isolationist, usually pay the world no mind, unless the world is paying them mind, but this is where Marduke is different from his kin, he cares about the happenings of the world, he recognizes that what affects the world, affects his town and her people. So to this end, he has left his Ragnak, to seek a meaningful existence elsewhere, defending the relative peace of the world, to prevent the peace from ending and dragging Ragnak down with it. To this end, he has met with the Greywood Company, a seemingly ungainly bunch of mercenaries, far from peace lovers, and yet, he found a certain draw to him, almost as though the earth was shifting, creating a gentle incline pushing him towards it, far be it from Marduke to argue with the ground at his feet, he allowed it to guide him, and he enlisted in with them, hoping the ground he trusts and fights with hasn't led him astray. Hows it look?