[i]Ouch[/i] a voice echoed in Peter's mind. He did not remember thinking that and glanced back at the woman he was pulling along. He was fairly confident she was unable to talk with the collar around her throat and it took only a second to realize that thus girl may very well be a telepath. Having met Xavier, Peter was well antiquated with the invasive feeling of talking through thoughts. Bark exploded beside the girl as they ran and Peter pulled her forward, wrapping her in an arm and taking the full blunt of splinters that flew in their direction. They were close enough now to the buildings to get to safety. Peter held the woman close and aimed his web shooter at the corner of the closest building and with a great heave, carried the pair into the air. Kicking off the side of the building, he attached to the next and the next. Travelling by webs was easy alone when he had two hands but with the extra body and being reduced to a single hand was more stressful than Peter would have liked. The sounds of gunfire and engines were behind them now and he swung himself and the woman up to the top of a luxury hotel by the name of The Carlyle. One the ledge he released his charge to crouch at the edge of the building and watch the streets below. He supposed going to their original destination would have been easier but there was a chance Hydra would be waiting there as well. Had any of the Avengers been in the city, Peter would have alerted them to the threat but as it was, Spiderman was on his own. "So can you talk?" Peter asked, throwing a masked look over his shoulder, "Or is it only that psychic thing?" Confident they were safe from ground forces, Peter instead looked to the sky, absently fidgeting with his web shooters and checking their levels. He switched out a cartridge on his right wrist and stepped away from the edge and closer to his 'cargo.' She seemed harmless enough though looks could be deceiving.