Isu leaned against a wall in a dark alley, his gaze on a small badge in his hands. It had a tomoe symbol on it with a small gem in the middle of said symbol. His face contorted in thought as he recalled the events of attaining the badge. Who was that man who gave Isu the badge? Why give it to him? Was it random or for a propose? The young man chuckled slightly to himself. Who was he kidding, he wasn't at all anything special. That strange man had to have given it to him randomly. It was odd, after he was given the badge, it seemed as if he could move more fluently than before. He stopped falling over his feet like he use to, he seemed to be able to run faster too. Isu shook his head, all of this was way too weird for him. Suddenly someone rounded the corner looking quite angry at Isu. "Hey! You still owe me some money!" Isu jumped, his attention moving to the person who was yelling at him. "What?" The young man placed the badge in his pocket and stood up right. The other person started to advance toward Isu in a fit of rage, "You owe my money you no good slacker!" Isu backed away a bit, "Wow, um I think you got the wrong.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence as the other person swung a fist at him. It was strange it was almost as if Isu could read the others movements just before they actually did anything. He dodge the punch and bolted out of the alley and around the corner. Isu hid behind a corner as the other person ran the opposite direction of him, still screaming about something. He sighed, sliding down the wall and sitting on the ground. "Well, that was interesting." He ran a hand across his face, trying to process what just happened.