“Javier, one day you’re goin ta stick you head somewhere it don’t belong and you’re gonna get it blown right off. We got a robot fo checkin out suspicious tents.” Irina stepped heavily out of the subway car right behind Red and took a lazy look around. “Place looks better with the lights on and people around.” Indeed, it was a hellish-looking introduction to New York, lit as it was by nothing but the red light of a flare. Irina lifted an arm up to turn on the flashlights on her helmet, more for her comrades’ sakes than for hers. She knew her way around Grand Central Station well enough to traverse it in her sleep, after all. She couldn’t quite tell which terminal they were at, given that they all looked roughly the same, but she’d definitely be able to help them get out. Of course Javier needed help with some heavy lifting. He wasn’t a big guy, but he also wasn’t the most fit of them: 3 years of “cushy” captain training for the army did that to you. Sure, you learned tactics, but she’d yet to meet an army officer who came close to the physical prowess of the Marine’s she’d been stationed with. With a sigh that she didn’t broadcast, she went over and wrenched the doors open, at the last second opting not to use the exoskeleton when she heard Red’s bet. “Haha, you bet you. If you guys woulda stayed in shape you coulda done so, too. Hey Virgin, get Howard out here. I’m not as keen on getting myself killed as NC is.”