Amy was shocked when she saw the second maid for she thought she was the only one working here and not with anyone else. But she was more shocked at how much they looked alike almost but the differnts was in eye colore, hair color, and skin color. She blinked a few times at the girl still in shocked to see someone out in the storm like this. When she asked about the hendersen residence she shocked herself out of it. "Um yes this is the Hendersen residenes how may I help you?" She asked the other girl for she was still very confused by all this at the moment for she was still wondering why another maid was here. When Pkilip came over to see what was going on she was shocked to here that this girl before her was someone that he knew and she knew him back. "Wait so this maid is the girl you were talking about before the storm him?" She asked Philip as she looked at him and back at Ariel for she was confused still. "And pardon my confusion I thought I was the only maid that was suppose to work here? At least that is what I was told." she said to Philp for she did point out the luggage to him for she was was wondering what was going on. But then she remembered it was raining outside like cats and dogs. "Oh please come in Ariel the storm is only getting worst outside." Amy said as she grabbed the luggage and brought it inside and let Ariel enter so she could go by the fire to warm up. Once Ariel was in she closed the door and locked it and lead her to the living room area. "Please sit and I will got make something warm to drink for the both of you." She said as she went to the kitchen and got some hot water boiling as she got some tea prepared and also found some stuff to ahve a little fin to make smore for she loeved eating those when she learned about them. Once the water was done boiling she poured it in a tea pot and let the tea start doing its thing in the hot water. She grabbed some cups then placed it all on a try with stuff to make smore and walked out with everything. "I made some tea and also found some stuff to make smores with a fun little treat you can make by the fire." Amy said to them.