The inside of Valeria's room was well enough suited to her tastes. As a 'knight' in training, she had little affinity for excessively expensive things and although the room was indeed well furnished it was not so much so that it was ostentatious. The bed was soft and the climate was fine, for what more could you ask? All the basics were there, a chest for miscellaneous, a mannequin and rack for her armor and weapons respectively, a small un-stocked bookshelf made for the placement of relevant texts. This was all enough for Valeria, perhaps even a bit more than enough; she was used to living simply. It didn't take long to get her meager assortment of items and weaponry arrayed in an order she deemed appropriate, removing the school's more fanciful frilled jacket in the process. It had been given to the less. . . economically gifted students upon entering the academy, but Valeria had little need for it, preferring a more comfy grey cotton shirt at the cost of appearing more like a peasant or servant. After waiting until Ishye had finished arranging his things the female knight spoke up with her suggestion. "Perhaps it'd be best if we met our new companions, assuming we have time."