[b]Darwin[/b] As he sat between Mercy and Drow, carefully eating some skittles he noticed Maria was handing out the numbers again. He took his and put it down on his lap as he still ate his skittles. He was enjoying this game, everyone was getting so embarassed for no reason? It wasn't like they were gonna be stuck with that memory for the rest of their lives. Darwin grinned as he heard people had to kiss. He'd never kissed before, it always seemed quite strange to him, and plus before the academy every girl passed him off as a weirdo who hanged around the hotel with his adopted father. But now, maybe he would kiss a girl? Lets see....what was his number. "I'm number 1" He called out in excited glee. "I wonder who number 5 is...." He said looking around, his huge grin stuck on his face. He had already leapt up, tipping his bowl of skittles.