[hider=The Team Leader]CS: Name: Inspector Donovan Gadget. Age: 35 Birthplace: London, England Based on: [url=http://inspectorgadget.wikia.com/wiki/Inspector_Gadget_(character)]Inspector Gadget[/url] Picture: [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/007/f/0/inspector_gadget_by_bob6kills-d36o8uy.jpg[/img] Powers: *Gadgets (Has the ability to use any of the gadgets in his arsenal by issuing the order "Go, Go Gadget.") Equipment: Gadgets: Binoculars (Appears from his hat) Umbrella (Appears from his hat) Airbag (Inflates his entire body) Whirligig (Appears from his hat to allow him flight) Cuffs (Appear from his coat) Ears/Neck/Arms/Legs (Able to extend his ears, arms, neck and legs.) Resperator (appears from inside his coat) Grappling Hook (replaces his hand) Pistol (replaces his hand) Magnifying glass (appears from his hat) Pipe (Appears from his hat) Sword Cane (Not a gadget, but a cane he carries around. Skills: Skilled detective Skilled swordsman Skilled marksman Bio: Born in Croydon in London, Maxwell grew up in a rather rich family, meaning that, unlike most of his friends, he didn't need to work. His father owned a Gadget Steel, a steel company that he had inhereted from his father, but his idol was his uncle, Chief Inspector Gadget of Scotland Yard. When he was old enough, at the behest of his father, Maxwell joined Scotland Yard to work with his uncle. He spent many successful years During a raid on a pickpocketing ring, Maxwell and his partner, Alexander Murphy, were captured and tortured to within an inch of their lives by the notorious criminal Clarence Bodokar. They were found by Scotland Yard. Maxwells father refused to allow his son to die, and so, put him through an experimental, military procedure that was to be used to create soldiers for the new era of technologically advanced combat. Maxwell was the only one to survive the process. As soon as he awoke, he was approached by the newly founded MI6 to secretly join them secretly, he officially still works for Scotland Yard as an Inspector, but actually is an agent of MI6 Extra:[/hider] [hider=The Teams Babyface]CS: Name: Benjamin Kirby Tennyson Age: 18 Birthplace: York, England Based on: [url=http://ben10.wikia.com/wiki/Ben_Tennyson]Ben 10[/url] Picture: [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140304233202/ben10fanfiction/images/9/98/Steampunk_Ben_Tennyson.jpeg[/img] Powers: None naturally, but his Steamnitrix grants him the power to transform into a multitude of alien monsters, most of which have their own super power Equipment: Steamnitrix Bio: Benjamin was born in York and grew up with his cousin, Gwendolyn. When he was 10, he began working down the coal mines with his Grandfather, It was down there that he found the Steamnitrix. It attached itself to his wrist and he became the hero that Yorkshire deserved. Unfortunately for him, this has drawn the attention of many undesirable beings, his house was destroyed when Moriarty Industries raided it in order to try and capture the Steamnitrix from him. He has been running for 8 years, now. And now, it's not Moriarty Industries that want to get their hands on him, but MI6. Extra: His Steamnitrix transformations only last 10 minutes, and then take 2 minutes to recharge.[/hider]