Cain was content with sitting and carefully reviewing his new lead when he was disturbed by the sound of his phone. He picked it up and looking at the screen it read. "unknown number." he furrowed his brow as he answered it thinking. 'why do I pay extra for Call ID just to have "unknown number. "' "Cain Johnson." he stated before the person on the other side nearly cut him short. "wait, what do you..." pausing he became serious. "fifteen minutes." then hung up the phone, and drove away from his client's house tires screeching. Cain wasted no time in getting to the junkyard, pushing the road laws to the limit. Cain weaved through the cars his truck slowing and accelerating, and engine roaring. He finally found the junkyard and pulled straight in, following the fresh tracks from what he could tell was a larger car. Seeing where the tracks had taken a turn he braked hard and turned the wheel making his truck preform a 180 degree trun and parked in a small alcove a short distance from the trun where a sign said "SHOP" with an arrow. Getting out of his truck Cain strapped his pistol on, walked around his truck and hopped in the back. From his pocket he pulled his wallet and produced a small round disc like object that he pressed into a depression in the back of the truck's cab. This made a compartment open and inside was a long barreled rifle with a multi optics scope. Giving it a quick look over he began to move towards his presumed checkpoint looking for a vantage point.