Jason stared at the girl who entered, stopping mid sentence during his conversation with Red. He analyzed this person, her smell was different than most, an airy, larger than life smell, almost as if there were more to her than the small wisp of a thing that now stood before Jason. But that couldn't be, he wasn't picking up anything on any of the wavelengths that he saw, not infrared nor ultraviolet nor something smaller, her feet clicked as she walked into the kitchen, her knock firm but nervous, Jason was intrigued, he went to greet the new woman.... ....But just then something else aroused his nose, while the sounds of ZZ top played in the background, and the dancing wavelengths played before him, Jason reigned in bios other senses, trying to identify the acrid scent, he was doing something, the smell wasn't acrid enough to be a full 5-alarm, fire but it was trying to warn him of something, like a small mute child attempting to inform a policeman to a large gathering that could potentially turn into a riot after that same policeman had been hit by a flash bang grenade, a definite warning of something, something that Jason should definitely be wary of, but what was it, closing his eyes for a second to focus on it it came to him, like a lightbulb in a room darkened by an electrical storm suddenly coming on to show that not only had the storm passed but that it was now okay to come out, the sudden enlightenment came with a kind of terror, and Jason acted quickly, even if it was slightly rude.... "OH NO" Jason spun around, and in a flash of flames disappeared, singing the already blackened floor of the kitchen as he did. Jason appeared in front of one of his many players and got his hands on the stove, taking the heat down to zero and pulling out the first of the desserts just in time, upon doing this he brought it up and put it on the table that was directly behind him, he wiped his brow, not so much to wipe away sweat as that was just his motion to wipe away the stress of almost having burned one of Beast's favorite desserts. The big blue teddy bear would have probably suffered in silence if he had done that, but nevertheless Jason was glad that he was able to save the dish, if only for the dish's sake. Another large flame suddenly enveloping him, and blackening the ashen kitchen floor a little more, Jason appeared in his old spot, catching his root beer just before it hit the ground and holding out his hand to the new girl and replying to her original Inquiry "Hi, I'm Chef Jason Wilde, or you can just call me Jaw if that's too long for ya" Jason said, trying to catch his breath and smiling "You must be the......new delivery girl that Ms. Ororo hired.....she told me you would be arriving soon....WHEW" Jason said, finally getting his second wind, and then continuing, Jason kept his hand out as long as it was necessary for the new girl to shake it.