"[b][color=silver]Surely you jest.[/color][/b]" "[B][color=fdc68a]I lie not, Marquis. I beseech you, remain neutral and nothing will ever change.[/color][/b]" At that moment, Bhujerba had begun to sleep. That did not, however, mean that Roman's job was done. No, he worked tirelessly, endlessly. to the point where he considered his desk his resting place rather than his own bed. Still, today was a most unusual day, what with the most unusual guest he had so far. The [url=https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-SqaXMQPN_sA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAXg/IpcLkYbGoxg/photo.jpg]blonde haired youth[/url] before him stood steady, speaking on behalf of Rozarria. He was well aware that the girl was someone of great importance. However, her wishes were futile, and while she remained a member of the royal family of Roselia, she was currently powerless. [url=http://static.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/624935-bigthumbnail.jpg]Roman[/url] himself was at a loss. Archades had, for some time, been after Bhujerba for their mines. While he permitted they occupy them, he refused to give them power over the country. Things were much too tense between Archades and Rozarria; he mused that the gods were testing Ivalice. Surely, she would erupt, with Humes holding the torches to their own destruction. He let out a weary sigh, and once again looked to the young woman standing before him. "[color=silver][b]Her Royal Highness, Princess Nadeline Lenore of House Roselia, second in line for the throne. I will take your words into consideration. I ask, however, that you return from whence you came.[/b][/color]" Madeline nodded, slightly bowing, and left promptly. Her appearance was one that was surprising, but not moreso then his next guest. His attendant revealed to him that Archades' General was at his doorstep--quite literally, in fact. He nodded, beckoning the lady in, and arose from his seat. "[color=silver][b]I knew it was only a matter of time before you appeared.[/b][/color]" He stated, chuckling slightly. "[color=silver][b]I must ask you, General Glacie, what business have you in the streets of Bhujerba? Your soldiers are frightening my people--I had a young boy come to me, quaking in fear for his life.[/b][/color]"