The Marquis nodded politely. He had heard about this ship, but didn't think it was something to be remembered. Still, if it was stolen, this would be a very serious matter. He would indeed heed the General's words. The Marquis nodded once more, as if confirming his thoughts. It was then that he spoke, "[b][color=silver]It truly is a marvel in the sky. I would assume, then, that you have come to repossess it and pass judgment on its thief?[/color][/b]" At this point he turned to the window, watching Bhujerba. "[b][color=silver]What I don't seem to understand--and please, feel free to enlighten me--is that why would you personally come here? Once more I ask for your forgiveness, but you must understand the effect you have not as a mere General, but as a person of power from Archades, my lady.[/color][/b]" He then cleared his throat, shaking his head. "[b][color=silver]Of course, that isn't to say I will stand idly by. I will send a message to the Aerodome to take possession of the stolen airship and arrest whoever is responsible. Once they are both caught, I will gladly hand them over to you, as per protocol.[/color][/b]" This was a very subtle, yet obvious way of him asking her not to take any action. If anyone were to see the General exert her power in a foreign land, it could mean trouble. Of course, it wasn't that she didn't know--she was not a fool--but rather a gentle reminder.