The Marquis was a smart man. He knew how to word things in a certain way and he knew exactly what Savayna could do. Still, with that being true, Savayna wasn’t exactly looking to aprehend Jaakuna in the proper way. Of course, with Savayna wanting to do that, Roman had to ask why she came here personally and not someone else, like a Judge or something. She kind of chuckled when Roman made the comment of how her being in Bhujerba has a very particular fear-like effect to the people of Bhujerba is not just cause of her being a general, but someone who holds weight of the power within Archadia. [b]“Yes, it is true of what you say. I DO hold power within the Archadian Empire ranks, you’d be well to remember that, Marquis.”[/b] Savayna said, with a slight threat hidden under agreement of what he said. [b]“As to why I am here personally and not one of the six Judges of the Archadian Court is simple. It was my fault that this certain person escaped with the ship Ifrit.”[/b] She said as she looked to the Marquis. [b]“I do not think protocol is needed here. All you simply have to do is give me the password to what holds the ship in the airlock, and we can pretend like none of this ever happened, okay?”[/b]