[IMG]http://i.imgur.com/lLFH4qJ.jpg[/IMG] [i]”Based on the BAFTA Award winning British television series"[/i] [b]Genre[/b] - Slice of Life - Drama - Comedy [b]The Story So Far[/b] In 2004, amateur film maker Nick Dempsey came up with an idea. Taking one, hand held camera he followed a group of eleven to fifteen year olds as they lived their daily lives as young people in a small English town. Nick followed these kids for a year of their lives, experiencing everything that they experienced as they experienced them. The process was magical, torturous, wonderful and dangerous (and completely with parental permission of course). The sum of Nick’s efforts was a documentary series he had entitled “Skins” (coming from the British slang term for cigarette rolling papers and a subtle nod to the different skins and masks that people wear). Skins was a massive success, it made a star out of Nick and has often been described as the perfect window into the youth culture of 21st century Britain. Ten years on, Nick is now a successful movie director but he is disenchanted by the Hollywood world. After another drunken bust up with his wife, he retreats to his den where he discovers in an unopened box the original cut of his first project, Skins. After re-watching it, Nick’s creative desire to return to his roots is ignited. After making contact with the original stars of his documentary (all now fully grown adults), he heads back to the cliff side town of Hollow Shore for a follow up story. Just what happened to those unique and amazing kids he left so long ago? In Skins: Rain we are about to find out… [b]The Short of It[/b] A slice of life story with the added twist of camera’s always being on the characters (except during bedroom activities of course). The idea stems from the TV show Skins but no characters from the show actually exist in this universe, so only original characters are allowed. This is a character driven story set out in an episodic fashion, with each episode focusing on one or a few of the characters’ lives, as well as interweaving the other characters stories into the background as well. As players we would each control up to two characters as well as any NPC’s that might be involved with the story. We would all design an “episode” dedicated to our characters but still leaving plenty to do for the characters that are not the focus. The premise and order of episodes must be agreed upon with me first before anything else. The general idea will then be implemented as the next instalment of Nick Dempsey’s new documentary series. (For all intents and purposes, Nick is simply a narrator and not a character himself, as such he should only be used for the opening and closing of an episode and can be used by all players) [b]The Setting[/b] The setting for the story is the fiction seaside town of Hollow Shore in the UK. It sits on a cliff top by a beach and although not really that small, it is not really that big either. It is just a train or bus ride away from Bristol and as such a lot of people who live there commute to work. The weather is often either wet and rainy or hot and humid, very rare is it for there to be any middle ground. [b]CS Template[/b] (All CS’s must be sent to me first) Appearance (real pic please, no anime, cartoon or drawings) Name: Nickname: (If applicable) Age: Relationship Status and Family: Occupation: (If Applicable) Then: A summary of your character’s life and personality before and during the original documentary series ten years ago. Now: A summary of your characters life and personality after the original documentary up until present day. Centric Episode/s: Here you add the name of your characters centric episodes but you don’t add this until I have agreed on the premise with you. Extra: Anything you want to add