You still can't believe that of all the female PROSPITIANS there are you have been chosen for this HONOR. While you follow the latest fashion from the golden planet PROSPIT, you have personalized your colorful outfit with STARS PLACED AT EXACT INTERVALS. While your new planet might be random, you have made sure that everything in your new home is PERFECTLY ORGANIZED. This wasn't too hard since you didn't bring much. On your right wall are SEVERAL CLEANING SUPPLIES, while the left wall is reserved for a few PHOTO'S FROM YOUR HOME PLANET AND IT'S ROYALTY. You freely admit that you can be a bit obsessive about keeping things tidy! Now why don't you introduce yourself? [b]Anal Mchomesick [/b] Come now, that is no name for a lady! [b]Mawkish Escort[/b] That is right, you are MAWKISH ESCORT and you believe that the best part about all this is that win or lose the WAR will end, though you don't think Prospit and Derse will ever really see eye to eye. But any kin of PEACE is better than all that messy fighting. While it's nice to meet you, we can't stay and chat. After all someone else is waiting for his introduction. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ While your room isn't exactly a mess it's certainly CLUSTERED. You have filled it up with just about everything you could steal without being noticed, even though most of it isn't worth much. While your outfit looks the same as that of every other male DERSITE, you have made sure it has plenty of HIDDEN POCKETS. You are currently playing around with the useful stolen item you have with you, your trusty DAGGER. Since you're clearly getting impatient why don't we move on to the introductions. [b]Looting Felon[/b] Okay no need to threaten me, I was just joking. [b]Looting Felon[/b] actually is your name, and you simply don't like me? Your name is LOOTING FELON and while you were chosen to keep the Prospitians from reaching SKAIA, you honestly don't see the point. Even if you save the entire universe, you are so DEPRESSIVE AND NEEDY that even other DERSITES ignore you meaning you don't have anyone to COMPLAIN too. And now that the introductions are done, lets get to the adventure.