[center]Olivia sat on her skateboard outside of the new town that she discovered, the last town that she had discovered, every time she opened one of the boarded windows, there would be a swarm of the infected. It was almost if someone had trapped the infected in the houses and buildings to starve them and kill them off easier. It was a pretty good idea but something still must have killed off the survivor or they died with thirst or starvation; either way, she knew to stay away from that town. She lit the cigarette with her pink lighter and stared into the town as she relaxed and smoked. It wouldn't be dark for a few hours so she knew that she was safe for a while. It had been a few days since she has talked to an actual person; Olivia still haven't figured out why she hasn't gone insane yet. She's witnessed a lot of people going insane, she's watched people walk up to an infected thinking they were an actual person, and getting ripped apart. She shivered as she shook those images out of her mind. That was something she did not want to think about right now. The woman stood up, stretched out her arms, slide her messenger bag onto her shoulder, picked up the ax that she had found on the streets. All of her guns had ran out of ammo so the ax was her only weapon for now. When she was ready, she stepped onto her skateboard, and started to roll into the town. Olivia snooped through some of the houses that she was able to break into; she wasn't picky about food, but she loved to find cans of fruit. Well, because fruit was good for you and there would be either syrup or fruit juice in the cans which help with her thirst. She still didn't trust the water; people can swear they cleaned it, and it was completely safe, she wanted nothing to do with it. After a few hours of finding a little bit of food, and not finding any place that would be safe enough to sleep in for the night; she continued her search further into the town. Olivia found a house that looked fit enough to stay in for a night, she broke into it, and was starting to search it as she started to hear faint voices, and than gun shots in the distance. She groaned, what the hell were they doing out there?! Olivia stepped out of the house, she kept her things in there except her ax. She started to walk towards the noises until she got to a corner, and she peeked into the next street to find a pet store where people were starting to either flood in or out; her eyes scanned the street as she watched the infected start to pour out of the dark shadows towards the noise these people were creating. She smirked, none of these people are going to survive another night if they continue on what they are doing. She pulled out her pack of cigarettes, lit one, and turned around. She jumped and almost had a heart attack when she seen one of the infected trailing behind her, it must have followed her from the house. She held the ax up, ran up to it, and bashed the flat end of the ax against it's head. When the infected fell to the ground, she chopped the head off, and smashed the skull in; she knew that was probably over-kill but she liked to make sure the thing was killed for sure. Olivia started to walk back to the house that she had found, tomorrow morning, she would go back to the pet store to see how many of those idiots were still alive.[/center]