They were obedient, sacrificial, unafraid to die though their king had instructed them to avoid so if he could. He didn't want half of his army dead before they even started. Nevermind, he had swept away some reserves and already set them up for production, treated like the manufacture of their weaponry. It was a shaky foundation, but once it was in full swing, it wouldn't matter the tens that silently were crushed in the godly hydra's claws, the only sound was of their bones being crushed between their claws, suits stained as they were squished like insects. Helpless, insignificant insects, too paralysed even try and squirm their way out. They were nothing more than a helpful distraction though as the rest of the humans pulled back, aiming their weaponry at the god like creature. Their sights set upon it and their hearts upon pleasing the lesser god that had taken the place of the fallen demon. Once, their pitiful ammo bounced off the hard scales of a dragon, their latest technology, the pinnacle of human innovation, a poor comparison to the armor of gods. Relin had given them their breakthrough. The things they needed to become worthy of becoming his army. Fiercely, their bullets ripped through the dragon's scales, tipped icily with the cold kiss of temporary death. The great god fell to the silent stare of it's opponents, unaware to their own victory. Moving mechanically towards the fallen bodies, like worker ants carrying food back to their mound. Only that they did not tear apart their food with steal fitted jaws, moving into to block the bleeding and sterilize the deep wounds that they had caused themselves. Their king wanted these beings alive, for what reason they didn't question as they tended to the wounded, administering a steady stream of morphine, a dosage that would kill a regular human, to them to keep them under. As heavy boots stomped towards the fallen hydra of lust, weak and barely conscious. Fighting hard to stay awake and keep away the darkness that threatened to pull him under. Keep away from the very being that created him, that slowly ate away at all of them. That of which Edge had gifted them eternally. A dark figure blocked his vision, blank faceless mask staring down at the once god like being. The hydra who sold his body and his soul as if it was water from the sea. Gazed upon coldly, the guard lifted his weapon and struck Charon out cold. ------- [i]The rush of dark water, the toxic waves crashing against the jagged rocks eager to meet him. The wind rushed by his useless wings, the freefall blinding all his senses. In some ways, it felt peaceful. Impressive almost, falling off the edge of the world. The edge of paradise. He embraced it wholly, the peace that awaited him below. Vaguely, it all felt somewhat familiar, as if he had done this before. Something whispering in his ear told him he wasn't imagining the feeling. Something told him that he hadn't succeeded before and wouldn't succeed this time. Foolish like the previous ones before him, thinking that he could escape so easily, thinking that he could escape after the last lucky survivor. They weren't gonna let him go now, not after the last. They were going to make sure he didn't leave them. They wouldn't be left powerless again. The pain striked him, the feeling of hitting the rocks below. The waves threatening to sweep him away, ended up thrashing him against the rocks like a rag doll. The dark water filled his vision and constricted his lungs. The pain so intense, he was numb. Something crashed against his face, wrenching a scream out of his throat that was lost in the intensity of the waves. Screaming across the shore, playing with it's latest toy. Unwilling to have death snatch it away. There was no calming darkness, no numbing abyss for him to fall into that would take him away. The water rushed into his mouth, choking him. History repeated itself cruelly. This was only the beginning.[/i] ---- "No tricks, I assure you on my word. A fair fight." He raised his sword than quickly found it impossible to raise. His entire body forced downward to the ground, crouched as Forte approached him. His head felt too heavy to even lift as he rested it entirely on his body. As the man raised his sword, the sword he held glowed brightly, and shot up on it's own, blocking both of Forte's swords, holding them steadily in place as the dragon slowly rose back to his feet, "My my, who was the one who wanted a fair fight?" The dragon chuckled, lifting up his head, his image rippled and shifted, pale flesh giving away to deep yellowing bruises, healing scabs and dark tipped stained scales. A contrast to the dark cotton shirt he wore, freshly washed and ironed. The tips of his wings clipped and torn away completely, nothing but a shredded mess that no longer resembled wings. His hair was mussed, cut wrongly and comical if it wasn't covered by the swath of bandages wrapped around his head, making it's way over his eye. Grinning, a few teeth actually missing, he looked up at the demon, "Elerium, a wonderful consumer of power, like me. Off course it has a few downsides, but I suppose I can forsake my appearance. Have a good look, it'll be the least of your worries from now on." Swinging his sword, he pushed aside Forte's blade, "Feel a little woozy? Weak? Power drained?" He chuckled, leveling his sword at Forte, "Now, shall we fight as intended or do you have anymore tricks up your sleeve?" He lunged backwards, holding his sword at ready. "Come at me love." ----- Beelzebub was starting to catch up after the both of them, eyes blank as he raced after them. Following the cries of worried infants. Gaining quickly onto them. Slepnir cried out as Skylark did, afraid when he but into Leo's shoulder, causing the hydra to jerk and bit down on his lip to avoid crying out. Watching the wicked female spit on his brother, he squirmed, wanting to hit her for doing such a thing, for keeping them away from Father, "STOP IT! STOP IT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING, ITS FATHER! LEO! LEO! STOP HER! MAKE HER STOP PLEASE!" "Hush, hush...we're..almost..." He huffed, his shoulder aching. "That's not your father, we're leaving." He sounded fatigued, looking back at the wood drag ones just in time to see Beezlebub rise out of the darkness behind her, claw closing around her ankle, he dragged her down.