[centre] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ipgX7gP.jpg[/IMG] [u]The Imperium Empire[/u] [/centre] [b]Political Status:[/b] Minor, the Imperium keeps to its self, it is only concerned about the control of its own people. Despite this, recent talks have been made within government about possible communication and trade with other races. [b]Current Political Leader:[/b] The head of the Imperium is Mr White, an apparent all knowing man who has lived for centuries. It is unknown if this is true or even if Mr White exists. Under Mr White is 'The Government' which is split into many factions to deal with specific things (Military department, Health Department, Schooling Department etc.) [b]Form of Government:[/b] Totalitarianism [b]Total Population:[/b] 84 Billion [b]Employed Population (includes military):[/b] 53 Billion [b]Military Population (soldiers, militia, rebel forces):[/b] 7 Billion Soldiers 40 Billion Militia [b]Brief Biography of your Political Leader:[/b] Little is known about Mr White. He apparently started off the entire civilisation hundreds of years ago. No-one ever sees his face, just his voice is known. Heard throughout the planets on intercoms. The voice is a kind voice, charismatic and easy to trust. Government officials are chosen via exceptional workers that are promoted to gradual more important jobs. [b]Notable Figures and their Background Information (brief):[/b] Field marshal Peace – The Leader of all military forces and the Military Department [b]Main Species Information:[/b] Appearance - [img=http://suwarnabumi.wdfiles.com/local--files/tiyanak/tiyanak.png] The main species on the planet are The Imperium. The Imperium are small in stature, reaching only 4 feet in height. Despite this they are highly intelligent and are quick with their heads and their feet. They lack strength yet have the help of technology to achieve large tasks. The Imperium believe heavily that they are not special as an individual but as a society they can concur anything. They are sub-servant to the government and acts of defiance against it are uncommon. [b]Economic Overview:[/b] The Imperium Economy is self run. The civilisations providing for itself from its many worlds. The planets that The Imperium are located all have large supplies of a Plasma called Plitanom. This plasma is highly strong when made into its solid form yet, when it is in plasma form it becomes highly chemically unstable. This material is used in two ways, The chemical reaction is neutralised and the material turns solid. This is used for creating strong structures such as space ships and machines of war. In its plasma form the material is used as a power source and as a weapon. The Government have began talks of trade agreements with other planets. Hoping that the Plitanom could be traded for other technological advancements. Food on the planet is created in factories out of a substance that grows on the planets. This substance is then manipulated to taste of generic meats or vegetables. The food has everything needed to keep The Imperium working and alive. Credits are used instead of money on the planet, The Imperium population have little to actually spend credits on as the government owns mostly everything. Despite this some luxuries can be bought such as furniture and food goods. [b]Militaristic Overview:[/b] [u]Military Factions-[/u] Each faction has a round a billion operatives each in different roles, from pilots to engineers. Because of The Imperium small size and stature, any unit not in some kind of vehicle in battle wears a mech suit. The suit makes them stronger than they usually are and still keeps the usual speed of The Imperium race. With the suit on an average soldier reaches 7 feet in height. [hider=Mech] [img=http://www.sulmokim.com/wp-content/gallery/digital-sketchbook/mech-week07.jpg] [/hider] The ammunition of most weapons in The Imperium arsenal is made out of Plitanom in its solid metal-like state. Plitanom warheads are the main explosive power of The Imperium. They use the Plasma state of Plitanom to create chemical explosions, ripping apart the particles within the blast zone. Depending on the amount of Plitanom in the warheads can depend on how devastating the explosion. Mark I are used for buildings, vehicles and other small targets within a small building sized blast radius. Mark II are used for larger spaceships and the stronger hulls of defended space ships and vehicles. Mark III Are used for Extremely large spaceships and Country Sized targets, Mark IV are used for Planet sized targets. These are the most destructive weapon within The Imperium's arsenal and have never been used in combat. [u]Military Police Force[/u] The force deals with internal affairs such as criminal activity and terrorism. [hider=Weapons Of The Police Force] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/136/4/b/sar_20_assault_rifle_concept_by_prolificpen-d3gih68.jpg] Standard Issue Assault Rifle of The Imperium. [img=http://andrewtober.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/robocop-gun-design-1.jpg] Standard Issue Handgun of The Imperium [img=http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/274/3/d/sandshot_shotgun_commission_by_mrbrainz-d6otw7a.jpg] Standard Issue Shotgun of The Imperium – Most used weapon as it can be loaded with lethal and non-lethal ammunition. [/hider] [u]Land Force[/u] This is the main bulk of the military, dealing with land based threats. [hider=Weapons Of The Land Force] [img=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/136/4/b/sar_20_assault_rifle_concept_by_prolificpen-d3gih68.jpg] Standard Issue Assault Rifle of The Imperium. [img=http://andrewtober.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/robocop-gun-design-1.jpg] Standard Issue Handgun of The Imperium [IMG=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/030/d/b/sci_fi_tank_series_by_roboman28-d4o5a6c.jpg] Tanks and armoured Transport. They hold at least one Mark I Plitanom warhead per brigade . But carry mostly solid Plitanom rounds. [/hider] [u]Aquatic Force[/u] A division that deals with threats within liquids, such as in planetary seas. [hider=Weapons Of The Aquatic Force] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/200H/i/2011/352/c/1/transport_submarine_by_ldimonl-d4jfwmj.jpg] Submarine capable of firing Plitanom warheads. They usually carry 4 Mark I's, 4 Mark II's. [/hider] [u]Air Force [/u] A division that deals with threats above ground up to atmosphere levels. [hider=Weapons Of The Air Force] [img=http://3drt.com/store/images/detailed/5/sf-09_01.jpg] Imperium Fighter, has twin Plitanom machine-guns. [img=http://31.media.tumblr.com/56054b5eed098f2f4d8678f26ab1cb87/tumblr_n3l57xljRn1roymnwo6_1280.jpg ] Imperium Bomber, capable of firing Plitanom warheads. They usually carry 4 Mark I's, 4 Mark II's. [/hider] [u]Interplanetary Force [/u] This force is for battles happening in space aswell as transporting other forces from planet to planet. [hider=Weapons Of The Interplanetary Force] [img=http://images2.alphacoders.com/269/269230.jpg] Fighter Ship, Fires solid Plitanom rounds. [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/306/1/c/ender_s_game_i_f__interstellar_transport_ships_by_falarsimons-d6sr6iu.jpg] Transport Ships [/hider] [u]Mass Destruction Force[/u] This force is for the heavy hitting campaigns, when an entire planet is needs to be destroyed. [hider=Weapons Of The MD Force] [img=http://m.rgbimg.com/cache1nhWey/users/x/xy/xymonau/600/2dyVVq0.jpg] The Sphere, it is the ultimate ship of destruction. It holds many Plitanom warheads. Including the devastating Mark VI's. Has never needed to be used in combat since its creation. [/hider] [u]Military Investigation and Intelligence [/u] This force receives Intel and is primarily used for information finding and spying. Learning everything about an enemy. [hider=Weapons Of The MII] [img=http://andrewtober.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/robocop-gun-design-1.jpg] Standard Issue Handgun of The Imperium – Each Agent is equipped with one. [/hider] [b]Political Overview:[/b] The people are obedient, serving for the apparent 'good of The Imperium race' Despite this, freedom fighters have rose and uprisings do begin to unfold. Unfortunately the sheer power and watchful eye of the government quenches any possible uprising from ever happening. The goals of the freedom fighters never getting past the planning stages before they are 'dealt with' [b]Home World(s) (with description):[/b] Planet One Planet One is a completely industrial planet, vegetation is almost none existent and most of the planet is covered in industry. The sky is thick with smog as factories pump out chemicals into the air, the planet beneath the industrial crust is just a shell of its former self, its raw materials being scavenged from within. The planet is mostly covered in land, natural or artificially built, but there is a large brown sea that stretches across half the globe. [b]Notable Planets (with description):[/b] Planet's are numbered accordingly (From Planet One to Planet Twelve) These planets are similar to the home planet, as they are not as old [b]Number of Star Systems under your influence:[/b] 3 [b]Number of Planets and natural satellites under your influence:[/b] 12 Planets 8 Natural Satellites [b]Number of Colonies under your influence:[/b] None [b]Brief History of your Civilization:[/b] The imperium started off as an undeveloped race, they where animalistic, having basic instincts and only tribal civilisations, they thought amongst themselves and where unorganized. That is when Mr White found them, his ship landed on the planet and soon began to help the primitive race. Teaching them all he knew about civilisation and soon he was seen almost like a god. When Mr White deemed them acceptable, he began to create a government, employing some of The Imperium race and this has carried on ever since, a government working under Mr White to help control the populace. Thousands of years have passed since then, planets have been removed of population and replaced with The Imperium race, the Government in control at all times. Mr White the head of it.