He had gotten a Dersite! It was time to make friends! It would be difficult, but he was sure he could do it. After all, he was the friendliest guy ever! His laptop giggled as it should have done as he punched keys in like a tickle! [CC] Started Tiddling Thievinggriper [TG] [CC]- Hey there! 8D I wanted to say hi! I'm Wily Neophyte! Who are you? 8) [TG]- Ugh are all Prospitians so cheery Wily? That has to get annoying. [CC]- Oh never! XD Besides, it is fun to try to be cheery! Be friendly, throw around a prank or two, its great! [CC]- Oh, speaking of fun, look at this video! [u]LINK[/u] It was a trolling video on the song Never Gonna Give You Up. An old meme, but a fun one! You had to start with the classics when breaking new people in. Then you work up to your best material bit by bit! [CC]- By the way, wanna be my server player?