In the midst of all this chaos however, there was one boy who was, at the moment, oblivious to it all. Luka Blackwell stared down at the paper he was working on, tapping his pencil on the table in thought as his purple eyes focused on the numbers before him. He'd honestly never been good at math, and the fact that he had a test coming up made his situation only worse. Although part of him wanted to just tear up the blasted page and throw it aside while saying "Forget it all", it was, unfortunately, a necessity for him to do. After all, if he failed the test, he could still use this practice sheet as a way to, somewhat, keep his grade up. Sighing and still tapping his pencil, Luka glanced up at the clock. Almost three; he'd have to start getting ready for his part-time job soon. Grumbling and looking back at the paper, he set his pencil down and then moved both items aside, standing and running a hand through his pale ginger hair. "I'll just have to come back to it later, I suppose," he said, mostly just trying to find an excuse to not bother with it anymore. Turning to head for his bedroom, Luka attempted to get his mind off of school and into work mode before he had to leave.