Four tie down points was a bit excessive for their tiny vessel, but it was professional. More-so, it was a guarantee against their ship drifting off or 'drifting off' at the hands of unscrupulous characters. With a grunt, he pulled the last mooring tight and stood away to see how the confrontation with the port authority was going. He overheard the man say that their ship was going to be inspected, but that wasn't out of the ordinary and they didn't even have the money to acquire contraband to ship. After the man had left, Louis began to call for food and Rarden agreed fully. They'd been surviving on close to nothing for quite some time, the idea of any portside meal no matter how cheap was intensely attractive to him. He stood beside the gangplank and waited for the rest of the crew to assemble so that they could head into town. "After you, captain," he said, trying to pick apart the pier district from where he stood and find a place cheap enough looking for the trio.