Evangelina Vertesca - Huntress (Narrator) Evangelina turned from the kings attendant to watch the brave, strong warrior she'd met as a child use all his strength to simply keep himself standing up right. Her heart ached for the situation and yet she knew that emotions and feelings would get her no where in the current situation. She took a quick drink of her mead and pressed her attention toward the front of the room, a well dressed man entering just before the king catching her eye. The rulers steps seem to echo around her and take forever as she decided to remove her gaze from him and look around at those that would be in attendance with her on this new journey. The sound of a different language grabbed Eva and caused her to shift uncomfortably. Surely not... she'd only heard that language spoken once as an adolescent, her father working with the Elven leaders to gain their assistance. It almost seemed a sin to look upon a creature so beautiful and yet Eva had yet to back down from anything. So much movement around her and although her eyes moved with the darkest hunter in the house she pulled her attention from the corner that he hovered in and looked to the king as the older man began to speak. She listened patiently, unsure of what she truly believed in the way of mythical objects, but willing to fight the battle to the bloody end to gain the acknowledgment that she desired so bad from her own father. When the proposal for questions came up, Eva lifted her hand and spoke up loud and clear. "I do realize that you called for volunteers, but do you not worry that one or more of the men in this room might not side with the very entity that you send us into the dawn after, great King?" She bowed her head a little, her long dress spanning out around her and yet hugging her perfect as she stood at the table, her attention on the older man that called their honor, or was it their greed to center stage. "Ahh.. Evangelina. Your father's strength and your mothers beauty. I do find it quite amazing that you stand here in the place of your father's greatest soldier and yet you earned it, did you not?" She smiled and nodded, speaking not. "To answer you question, I do believe that some of the men or perhaps women in our midst have or will fall pray to the darkness for it pulls hard and offers what seems like a lot. The witches and warlocks that have been birthed from the dark Shade are alluring and majestic, their ability to capture the hearts of men is without effort. The question becomes, will you fall pray? You cannot concern yourself with those around you child, but only with the battle that you will face. Rest assured each of you will be challenged in ways you could never expect. Search within yourself and find your core before you leave in the morning or you will not return." Evangelina nodded and sat, her eyes moving back to the hooded figure in the corner and not letting up as she analyze him closely. He was darkness incarnate and she felt a twinge of concern at his present position as anger and hate radiated from him in waves of black and grey before her eyes.