[quote=Nerevarine] Is this not an alternate history? Seems to say right in the title that this is an alternate historyI know full well that such an event is impossible, but I want to play it anyways, if only because it is simply alternate history and I am interested in such a scenario.Edit:I should Clarify, I don't need to have all of Britain, I'd be fine with a little nation of Slavs or even Romanized/Germanized Slavic peoples [/quote] The RP also encourages you at least perform some research on the matter. And as it is the Slavs are landlocked by a number of larger or same-sized cultures that wouldn't like them stomping about. In particular the Pomeranians. The Iranian Scythians (or rather, proto-Scythians) have the slavs blocked off for the most part from the Black Sea, and what regions they have on the coast hasn't produced a sea-faring people that the Germanic tribes along the north German coast and Denmark are. The unsolicited attempt at setting down any foundations in Britain is rather slim. And back to the AU point: that may be true but even AU writers need to perform a lot of research in order to understand the events and means that made our world become what it is in order to write their alternate time-line.