Orion did not like being in the airship. Perhaps it was foolish for one who was training to be a hunter, who was [i]named[/i] to be a hunter, to be uneasy during the airship's flight: but put simply, he was. Perhaps it was the lack of control that he had over himself in this environment or perhaps it was the crowded nature of the ship. Every room had a person and every person seemed intent on trying to bug the Ursine hunter. He had yet to find a single spot to relax and draw...drawing would calm his nerves. He needed to be distracted from the uncontrollable nature of his flight: lest the stress have him do something foolish. Orion reached into a pocket and plucked out lollipop. He.He quickly unwrapped the sweet, before putting it into his mouth and replacing the wrapper inside his pocket. With his sweet craving dealt with temporarily, Orion hoisted his hefty bag over his shoulder and stretched to his full size. The figure of the hunter was that of a colossus: Six foot, ten; with a bulk and muscle mass that signposted the man as a mammoth of strength that could likely break many of the smaller people over his knee. His attire was fairly normal: if not large. He wore his trademark orange skully, a loose black shirt and some ripped jeans that bore far too much travel damage. At his hip, the compacted form of his self-expression and the most important device a hunter could carry with them; even more so a Hunter-in-training. Finishing his stretch, Orion peeked out the window and saw that the ship was beginning its descent. The knowledge that his feet would soon be on solid ground was comforting: and knowing it was enough to motivate the man out of inaction. He slowly padded towards the exit of the ship: which would put him into the main hall, a crowded place that seemed to be the center of action aboard the ship. He noticed a few of the humans give him a look of disbelief: mostly at his size, no doubt, before they turned back to conversation.He sighed heavily before smiling and slumping back against a wall: eyes on the exit...the prize, as it were. Orion hated airships, but his dislike of airships paled in comparison to the anticipation in his gut. He'd been working towards this goal for a long time. Beacon was in sight, Time to live up to his namesake.