There were so many things that Jötz wanted to say as Ivy ranted on, things that hovered at the tip of his tongue in response to everything the young girl was saying in an effort to correct her or make her better understand the danger of the situation. Ivy would be [i]safer[/i] in the cities, not out of the line of fire altogether. People in the big urban areas tended to be more understanding about such matters, only the universities and schools attracted all manner of madmen, crazed scientists, and Sparks, many of whom would have clashing egos. Not to mention that it would make it easier for the Baron to find her! If a female Spark began openly practicing, it would take no time at all for word to get and anyone who truly wanted to spend the effort would be able to find her. All of his protests died on his lips, however, as Ivy added her coda. She… wanted to stay with him?? Ivy had changed her mind again, and now in one of mercurial moods she had decided on continuing to keep company with the monster that had sliced her arm off. Jötz had dealt with a fair share of Sparks over his long life, and while it had been as long as many Jaegerkin, he was fairly sure he had never met a Spark whose moods and whims shifted so quickly and without warning before! The frustration of dealing with her ever changing frame of mind was tempered, however, by the strange warm feeling Jötz felt towards her when she confessed her intentions. “Vell,” he coughed, “Hyz glad dat ist settled, den. Ja. Vell.” Attempting to clear his throat, Jötz gestured towards the final room towards the bow; the open doors had all lead into rooms that were either empty or filled with detritus. The cabin at the far end was the only one left unexplored. “Ve should be able to get to Mechanicsburg from beneath mit dis, yes. At least I tink so. Outside da valls at any rate. But chou gots to remember, Ivy, I can’ts go in mit you. At least… not above da ground.” He waved all of that away for now. “Anyvayz, choy remember vhat I vas saying about da Canals, ja? Vell, der vas a Canaller who didn’t much like vhen all da towns and pipples got all upsets at dem. A guy called Jacob Ludd. He vast a nasty guy, did really bad tings to pipples he didn’t like, stole vhatever he vanted, left death und destruction und smoke everyvhere he vent.” Jötz sighed as though in love. “Even da Jaegers oft da time vanted to be like him!” Snapping back to the moment, Jötz guided her towards the shut door with the plague. “I tink dis vast his pirate barge! Der could be vealth, guns, tings dat go boom, creatures from da very pits of da nether hells… Almost any ting could be behind dis door!” Frowning at the plaque, he sighed. “Only I can’ts get it open!”