"Aw..." Daemon whined as Koyaani slumped over. "'e p'ss'd out..." "You probably bored him to death whining about your dad." Hadrian scolded. It fell on deaf ears as Hadrian looked over and saw Daemon out cold as well, head tilted and resting on Koyaani's, who had his head rested on Daemon's slumped shoulders in return. "Goddammit..." he sighed. With a dramatic roll of his eyes, Hadrian pushed Daemon over so and and Koyanni toppled over and were sprawled across each other on the couch. "Oops." He said, voice holding no remorse at all for his actions as he got up from the couch and headed to the door. He opened it quickly, and just in time to get knocked in the nose by the fist that intended to knock on the door. His hands flew to his nose in shock and he tilted back, unbalanced. So he was still a little drunk after all, if he couldn't re-balance. A hand snaked out and grabbed his shirt sleeve to steady him. "I'm sorry about that sir. I didn't expect someone to open the door before I knocked." The man that had balanced Hadrian was wearing a navy blue suit and skinny tie. There was a badge hooked to his waist and Hadrian scowled inwardly. He never did like cops much. "S'fine." He answered, the slur coming back now that he didn't have to focus on Daemon and his father-talk. "What...ah, what do you need...officer?" "Detective Brookes." The man corrected. "And I was wondering if I could talk to mister Malone?" "Uh...Dae is a little...indisposed at the moment," Hadrian replied as a moan came from the other room, followed by a thump of what Hadrian figured was Daemon falling off the couch and hitting the table. The crash of a vodka bottle on the floor seconds later only confirmed his suspicion. Daemon didn't wake. He gave the detective an exasperated smile. "Oh...well then, if you could give him my card, I would greatly appreciate a call later." The detective spoke up awkwardly, handing Hadrian the card and walking away after receiving a nod. He set the card back down on Daemon's table and headed home on wobbly legs, not wanting to be there when Daemon woke up with a hangover.