Elsa thought about it carefully weighing the pros and cons of the decision she would make. Not really looking at anything as she stopped when Alex jumped in front of her allowing her to make the decision. "My forest brother only needs a part of the deer to keep going, and I do not need to eat as often as humans find they need to. Once I give something to the tiger we can at least check out what the smoke is to see if there is danger. If so, we help where we can and if we can. If the problem is too big I find no guilt in running to live another day. Then I make a proper meal. Is this acceptable?" She said getting the deer she had gotten some time as they wondered having forgotten it in the fight against the monsters and professionally cut a piece of the deer for the tiger to consume anyway to be prepared to give it. She might be good at this sort of thing but she couldn't skin an animal without losing needed meat or saving the skin for winter supplies, which was why she went to the butcher in the first place when she wanted to.