"As far as I know there are no mates within hearing distance. I have not made my desires plain because I do not wish for our captors to try to find me a suitable mate. I am sure that they would choose poorly." Jupiter put his head back up on the wall so he could stop trying to balance solely with his legs, and resumed looking down on his partner. Sadly the jovial atmosphere that their shouting match had created quickly disappeared as the returned to the matter of names. Jupiter let out a disgruntled noise that the translator translated as the literal word "Sigh." "May we still discuss this? I do not wish to avoid calling you 'Iral' to disrespect you in any manner. I do not wish to call you Pho because I think that you are a food staple lacking in nutrition. Rather, how may I say this politely, I have the same concerns at heart as you do. If I pronounce your name in the same way as you do, I fear that your translator will translate it in a disparaging manner. You see, the name you wish to be called is a word in my language which references the particularly-fluid waste of space whales. So if I say 'Iral' in the way that you do: space whale diarrhea, like that, then it probably does not sound to you in the way that you wish for it to. If that is still how you wish to be referenced, though, I am perfectly capable of doing so." After a moment of letting that sink in, but before Iral could come up with a response, Jupiter remembered the other point that he had wished to address of the parts that he'd heard of the rant. "If you wish to call me 'Tinker Bell' that is quite alright with me. 'Jupiter' is not my name, it is just what they have called me, after their name for my home planet. 'Tinker Bell' works just as well for me, but the translator has a hard time turning The One who Dances Beneath the Starry Sky in a Display of Affection Most Handsome into one word when other races try to address me. It is easier for everyone if I'm called something else."