Tilting his head slightly at the busty female's words, both looking thoughtful and curious, he watched he try and tickle the male for only a minute before making a halting motion with his hand, "Wait, I don't think it's working!" Rubbing his chin for a moment, the old vampire tried to think of the past time he tickled a human...too long ago, he couldn't recount. Moving behind the female, Karl carefully took her wrists in his hands and guided her. "Trace it..." Holding her hands so her fingers hovered dangerously close to Callum's ears, moving them along after a moment... "Deeply, methodically..." Holding her hands over his neck and collarbone area, then over to his armpits, before moving them lower... "Trace, dance your fingers over the skin..." Hands guilded over to midsection... Pulling her hand lower, lower...lower, to hover over the groin area, "Dig in." As the vampire paused and let go of the wrists he gently held, seemingly done, Karl looked at the female expectantly...as if awaiting an answer, a response, approval or rejection of the idea. After a moment, he reached his hand up and yawned into it, "Ahhnnn~! Good night, my sweets!" Laying back down onto the bed fully, he smiled as he pulled the blanket up to his chin and fell dead into his sleep...leaving them hanging from his own brought on situation.