[center] Hi, i'm Shadow. Just call me Shadow. So, I am looking to rp with some people. A lot of people because I am sick of getting abandoned. So lets get on and look down this thread! I hope to talk to you soon! ~Shadow~[/center] [hider=rules][center] ☺I would rather play female, but I can play male if you want to double. Either I play the female or we double. ☺I will do MxM, but not FxF, this reason is for personal reasons too. ☺I prefer to rp only in pms. It is easier to keep up with them, but if you want thread. Then that's 100% OK. ☺Do not abandon the rp. Just don't! We can be big boys and girls and tell each other that it just isn't fun anymore and we can try something else. ☺Free, Casual, Advanced, anything works. THAT'S ALL HAPPY LOOKING :) [/center][/hider] Key: If it has a • beside a role, it's the role I would prefer/rather play There is a scale (1-5)the more of * the more I want it If it has a ♂ beside it, it means i'll double :-) [*]Boss x Employee•*****♂[/*] [*]Teacher x Student•*****♂[/*] [*]Student• x Student•****♂[/*] [*]Demon x Angel•*****[/*] [*]Princess•/Prince x Peasant***[/*] [*]Asylum Victim• x Crazy Psychopath***[/*] [*]Alien x Slave•*****♂[/*] [*]Master x Slave•*****♂[/*] [*]Shapeshifter x Slave•*****♂[/*] [*]Brother x Sister•*****[/*] [*]Rival Boss x Rival Employee•***♂[/*] [*]Teacher x Parent•*****[/*] [*]Incubus x Succubus•****[/*] [*]Incubus/Succubus x Dreamer•***♂[/*] [*]Knight• x King*****[/*] [*]Elf• x Human•****♂[/*] [*]Vampire• x Human•****♂[/*] [*]Cop• x Gang Leader•**♂[/*] [*]Demon Butler x Maid•****[/*] [*]Jailer• x Jailed***♂[/*] [*]Human• x Reaper**[/*] [*]Demon x Reaper•**♂[/*] [*]Shapeshifter• x Shapeshifter•**♂[/*] [*]Cop• x Psychopath***♂[/*] [*]Doctor• x Patient•***♂[/*] [*]Father x Daughter•*****[/*] [*]Roman General x Roman Emperors Daughter•****[/*] [*]Werewolf• x Human•****♂[/*] [*]Werewolf• x Vampire•****♂[/*] [*]Knight x Queen•**[/*] [*]Kidnapper x Princess•**[/*] [*]Cop• x Murderer**[/*] [*]Gang Leader• x Gang Leader•**♂[/*] [*]Evil Scientist x Assistant•***♂[/*] [*]Demon x Contract•**♂[/*] [*]Hunter x Hunted•*[/*] [*]Rival Prince x Rival Princess•*♂[/*] [*]Assassin• x Pirate*♂[/*] [*]Pirate• x Pirate•*♂[/*] [*]Pirate x Kidnapped Victim•*♂[/*] [*]Mad Scientist x Victim•**♂[/*] [*]Neko• x Human•*♂[/*] [*]Gang Leader• x Rival Gang Member•*♂[/*] [*]Assassin x Target•*♂[/*] [*]Thief x Victim•*♂[/*] [*]Wizard x Witch•*♂[/*] [*]Body Guard x One Being Protected•*♂[/*] [*]Asylum*****♂[/*] [*]Zombie Apocalypse**♂[/*] [*]Foster Kids***♂[/*] [*]Broken Family**♂[/*] [*]Teen Pregnancy****♂[/*] [*]Circus Freaks***♂[/*] [*]Motocross*****[/*]