CS Real Name: Greg Baldling Alias: L33T Age: 18 Gender: Male Place of Birth: Champion city Occupation: cashier at Burger King Physical Appearance: He has whiskers that are fairly short but obviously noticeable with a soft looking face and brown eyes. His hair is dark brown and usually un-kept along with being greasy a lot of the time. He is a little over weight but not by a whole lot. Costume: His costume is bright crimson red vest that's over a bullet proof vest. Underneath he wears a dark red striped shirt with long sleeves with stripes also going down the arms to a pair of dark red gloves. He wears pants similar in design to his shirt along with black sneakers. For a mask he wears a bright crimson red ski mask with one eye hold for both eyes, a mouth hole and a cut out nose hole. On the back of his vest he has a red three painted on it. Skills: Building is his forte. He is an amazing builder and can build a whole array of gadgets and nick knacks. He is also skilled in the way of hacking and programming in quite a few programming languages. He doesn't have any fighting experience but he has a lot of pent up rage which makes him a force to be reckoned with. Equipment/Resources: At his L33T cave Greg has a high power computer allowing him discreet access into the governments servers and allowing him to remotely use government equipment such as cameras or traffic lights. He has a few bulky watch looking things that allow him to communicate with whomever is wearing one via speaker and also allows him to assess an array of gadgets in the watch such as hidden cameras, Short range EMP pulses, USB port and drive for data storage and transference and a load of other things. Lastly he has a crimson red motorcycle. Weaknesses: -Social skills are not his forte. He is either going to be very shy or to mood swingy for anyone to be able to talk to him for long. -He doesn't have a whole lot in the way of actual self defence. He'd likely be taken down by higher up goons. -He isn't in top physical condition by any means of the word. He would probably run out of breath by running a block. Base of Operation: His apartment in champion city that he called the 'leet cave' Biography: Greg had a fairly normal upbringing, no psyche damaging family murder or trained from birth to be an assassin none of that stuff but at the same time he isn't an unlikely hero in his own accord. Greg grew up reading comic books and wishing with all his might to be one himself with super powers and the type. Since super powers weren't very practical Greg went for the next best thing and began studying books and such so that he could essentially construct his own iron man armour but he was no rich guy so the process was going pain staking and slow. After the emerge of the original super heroes Greg couldn't wait any longer and decided to become a even more practical hero and began using his learnt programming and tinkering skills to turn his apartment (that his parent bought for him when he was young to ensure he always had a place to stay) into his very own bat cave of sorts. He then made a costume for when he did have to leave his apartment to go out bringing the pain to the villains which didn't happen often mind you. Now that he's a hero he's been trying to get into better shape and is saving up more money to work on his iron man like suit that he started a while back. ---------- Couldn't wait to see if there was room left :P