[b]Username:[/b] TurboTuber [b]Name:[/b] Tavel Mardrum (although given his habit of giving fake names this is of dubious importance) [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Gender:[/b] male [b]Homeland:[/b] Ventus [b]Appearance:[/b] An absolute giant of a man, Tavel's musculature is large enough to make his intense height seem oddly proportional. Though the top of his head is completely barren of any hair, a fine, light brown handlebar mustache is displayed proudly across the middle of his face. While surely grandiose, this facial hair does nothing to conceal the wide grin that usually finds itself possessing Tavel's mouth. His clothing is often fit for traveling great distances, though he does have at least one semi-formal set of clothing for whatever posh emergencies may or may not arise (they seldom do). Most of his possessions have been shoved into the very large backpack Tavel is always with, though his hammer is typically tucked away between his back and the pack. [b]Size:[/b] Tavel stands at an intense (well, for a human at least) 6'5, weighing in at around 240 pounds. [b]Elemental Affinity:[/b] Fire [b]Bio:[/b] It should come as no surprise given the amount of both metal and technology in the area that Ventus would attract quite a few blacksmiths and merchants. These two groups fit together like two peas in an economically sound pod, one being the production side and the other being the "convince people that they NEED this helmet, and they need it RIGHT NOW" side. It was from a union of these two groups that Tavel was conceived, the result of a merchant named Helip Mardrum stoking the forge of his dwarven blacksmith and eventual wife Tranda. The roulette wheel that is the miracle of species cross-breeding then spun and churned out a human male. It was tough being the son of a merchant and a blacksmith; Tavel spent much of his childhood with both parents trying to pull him in the general vicinity of their profession, hoping to add their progeny to the prestigious ranks of people who build things and people who sell things. By his 15th year it became clear that Tavel had chosen the latter, his mother's influence really only reflected in Tavel taking up smithing as sort of a side-hobby. Most people his age would probably have chosen something a little more flashy than hitting metal with a hammer, but most people don't have two parents making two different career sales pitches all the time. By the time his 20th year rolled around Tavel was well-versed in the art of barter and store-keeper charisma, and so he set off into the world with nothing to his name but a hammer, some metal knick-knacks he could pass for antiques, and a fold-away table to display his wares. Tavel saw much of the world in the next eight years, making his way as a traveling salesman and selling new, cutting-edge pieces of junk. Though he took to the trade like a noun to a complementary noun, the man never really found his fortune. That was the price of being a merchant on the road; without any consistent suppliers he was forced to sell whatever items he could get his hands on in his travels, meaning a good deal of whatever profits he managed went right back into resupplying future ventures. [b]Personality:[/b] It seems like a good starting point here would be to mention that Tavel is one of the most pleasant people you will ever meet. On a day-to-day basis the guy is just upbeat and friendly, a real glass is half full type. However, it's not entirely clear to what extent this is an accurate reflection of his personality, as his sales tactics while on the job are varied enough to call into question any expression of emotion Tavel gives. Depending on the location, goods, and clientele he's been known to go for the cold but knowledgeable technology buff angle, the accented peddler of exotic goods, or even the old standard of the secret friend to the customer cutting them a deal (a tactic that still works in spite of Tavel being the proprietor and thus having no management to cut deals behind the backs of). He'll go all-out in these endeavors, inventing fake names, dressing the part, and even altering his speech patterns to offload his useless junk onto the unsuspecting public (not that everything he sells is junk, but junk is far easier to come by). While it is entirely possible that Tavel is a full-on glass is half full AND whatever's in it is delicious kinda guy, it's harder to say for certain when so much of his profession is based around dishonesty. [b]Skills:[/b] As should be fairly evident by now, Tavel is pretty good at selling things. The whole charisma thing seems to come pretty naturally to him (though it's really just years of working at it). Also, even though the extent to which it is a skill is debatable, Tavel is very strong for a human. Years of traveling with a huge pack on his back has given Tavel strength beyond most others of his race, and his muscular frame definitely reflects this attribute. He's also pretty okay at math, a near necessity for someone who deals with monetary transactions and how to bend them in his favor. Thanks to his mother he's also got some minor skills with blacksmithing, though if he's being really honest about it his skill level is about "meh." [b]Equipment:[/b] As mentioned before, most of Tavel's possessions are carried in the large pack on his back. The primary exceptions to this are his hammer, which is wedged between himself and his pack, and his folding table which is strapped to the very rear of his pack like an awful shield. The pack itself contains one pocket for his clothes, one for his wares, a final large one for his food and toiletries, and a couple small side pockets for whatever little miscellaneous items he might have on him (as well as a locked money pouch). Tavel's hammer has a simple heat enchantment on one side of the head, allowing it to superheat when being used. Although commonly a tool for blacksmiths who need a quick source of heat, the extreme temperatures can add a real kick that any victim of the tool is sure to feel. [b]Other:[/b] While he does carry a large hammer around all the time and is possessed of considerable physical strength, Tavel isn't actually much of a fighter. He knows how to swing the hammer if worst comes to worst, but in all honesty it's more of an intimidation thing to keep him safe on his travels.