Jeremiah threw another fish into the water, panic was still overwhelming him as the water was now almost up to his shoulders.[i] ""The Main Event is here. I want to have a little fun before you drown." [/i] He then heard a big splash and turned around, gasping as he watched one of the boys push the girl out of the way of the shark. Yet that wasn't enough, the shark seemed to be on a mission to get the girl and Jeremiah was panicking, he didn't know what to do. He watched as the girl swam down, the shark coming after her and he lost sight of her. Was she dead? Did the shark get her? How are we going to deal with a shar- [i] . "Door... the door on the floor isn't locked Guys! This voice is just messing with us!"[/i] His gaze turns from where she was to a few feet aways another direction. "Are you kidding me?!" he sounded ecstatic, but he knew it wasn't over yet. He dove into the water, keeping his eyes open and seeing the blurry image of a trap door. He saw one of the boys already swimming down with him to open the door. They pulled the door together and it loosened. Then the trap door opened up.