Sharee had to admire the Khajiit's dedication. Moon sugar was expensive, after all, so he was really putting a lot into his efforts. She just hoped she could get some information out of him for her trouble with it all. As he went to get their drinks, Sharee turned to Kayal and Noelle quickly before she moved to the table. "I'll see what I can get out of this local. You see if you can get anything interesting out of the other patrons, or join me. I don't really care, just don't get [i]too[/i] drunk." Sharee said in a whisper to the other two before she walked over to the table the Khajiit had pointed out and took her seat. There was another Khajiit at the table, a younger boy. He wasn't a child by any means, but he looked young, and certainly very nervous. Since he obviously didn't like to talk, she wasn't sure she would be able to get anything out of him, but a timid, shy Khajiit such as himself was someone that was easy to ignore...someone who might overhear important conversations. She couldn't dismiss that he might hold some important information. "Hmm, that's the idea, I think." Sharee said with a chuckle before leaning in closer to the boy. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourself? Like your name, for instance. What can I call you?"